Prison Ministry India, 13th National Convention, Goa Countdowns!

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Prison Ministry India, 13th National Convention: Report
A year-long preparation of solemn Holy Masses, intercessory prayers & fasting and PMI endeavours for a successful and fruitful event crowned the start of the 13th Prison Ministry India Convention. On Tuesday, 15 November 2022, St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Goa, welcomed the dignitaries of Prison Ministry India, an impressive ensemble of bishops, clergy, religious, regional and state co-ordinators, rehabilitation centres and seminary unit directors and volunteers from across India. Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI cofounder and national coordinator for this four day convention, offered opportunities for participating audiences to interact with experts, resource persons on various topics around the issues (a) to deepen solidarity and fraternity among PMI family members; (b) to provide new insights on the eight-fold path for reach-out, reformation, reconciliation, repentance, release, rehabilitation, reintegration and redemption for prisoners’ reformation; (c) to share experiences and thereby to enrich and enlarge the horizons of the ministry; (d) to evaluate the past and plan for the future; and (e) to update volunteers regarding the reforms and developments undertaken by Prison Ministry India family.
Reform to Reintegrate
The theme for the convention, Reform to Reintegrate, carried Pope Francis’ message that was delivered at the International Conference of Worldwide Prison Chaplains on Integral Human Development and Catholic Prison Pastoral Care at the Pontifical Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development chaired by His Eminence Peter Cardinal Turkson on November 6-8, 2019. Pope Francis reiterated on the Church’s concern for imprisoned brethren to the mission laid down by Jesus Christ for the vulnerable and homeless less fortunate in whom Jesus is present (Mt 25:30-40).
Day 1: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Theme – Reach-out to Release
“I was in Prison you Visited me” Mt 25, 36.
We pray for Worldwide Prisoners
On 15 November 2022 at 9.00am the convention registration began. The six registration teams i) Maharashtra ii) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh iii) Kerala, Telangana, North Eastern States iv) Gujarat, MP, Jharkhand, Bihar, Delhi, Odisha v) Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, PMI National Office, Resource Persons vi) Goa were geared to take up the task of welcoming the delegates both from far and near. With smiling faces and with “Name it and do it” mantra, they were eager to complete the task entrusted to them. Delegates were accommodated at five residential locations viz. Pastoral Centre, Angels, Cathedral, Mont Fort and Cruz Milagres.
PMI National Executive Meeting
The PMI national executive meeting was held at 3PM at the main hall of St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre. Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, PMI chairman presided over the meeting. Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI national coordinator welcomed the members. Sr Amala DC readout the report. Fr Jose Thannippara MST presented the audited financial report of 2021-2022 and the six months accounts of 2022. The executive members discussed, evaluated and approved the 13th national convention program and decided to establish a home for prisoners’ children and a PMI office in Delhi. Fr Antony O de M proposed a vote of thanks.
Eucharistic Adoration
PMI Goa conducted the Eucharistic Adoration invoking blessings for the convention in which all volunteers enthusiastically participated.
Holy Mass
Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson, was the main celebrant of the Holy Eucharist. Most Rev Peter Remigius, Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, Fr Varghese Karippery, the PMI founders, Fr Wilfred Fernandes, Fr Martin Thattil and Fr Jose Thannippara the PMI regional coordinators concelebrated. Bishop Allwyn during his homily illustrated the theme Reach-out to Release basing on the biblical passage “I was in Prison you visited Me” (Mt 25:36) and prayed for the renewal and rehabilitation of prisoners’ worldwide. PMI Madya Pradesh unit assisted the Mass. The choir under the leadership of Mr David Fernandes was enthralling.
Sr Mabel introduced and welcomed Fr Maverick Fernandes, Caritas Director of Goa, who was entrusted with the task of welcoming the delegates on behalf of the PMI Goa unit. Fr Maverick first and foremost thanked the PMI founders and executive members for deciding to have the 13th PMI national convention a Christ-witnessing event in God’s own Abode, Goa. Mrs Veera Pinto, secretary of PMI Bangalore unit thanked Fr Maverick Fernandes for his welcome speech.
St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre
Mr Michael Noronha, PMI Karnataka state secretary, welcomed Fr Henry Vaz of St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre who spoke on the brief history of the Centre. The first miracle of the vision of the cross took place in 1619. Hence, the Church is named the Cross of Miracles. From 1835 to 2011 the place remained abandoned. In 2011 St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre was rebuilt under the Archdiocese of Goa. St Joseph Vaz was canonised by Pope Francis on 14 January 2015 and is the first saint of Goa and Apostle of Sri-Lanka.
Convention Dynamics
Sr Nakshatra introduced and welcomed Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, cofounder and PMI national coordinator. Fr Francis Kodiyan began his talk with praise and thanksgiving in the words ‘O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine’. Fr Kodiyan mentioned that as per statistics there are 1306 prisons, nearly six lakhs’ prisoners in India. We are called, he said, to serve and save them; reach-out, renew, release, reform, re-integrate, rehabilitate, redeem and through continued prayers and sacrifices, to save the lost. The re-integrate mantra is ‘Thank you Jesus’. Mrs Gorretti Martins, PMI Goa secretary thanked him for his words of wisdom.
Orientation Talk
Mrs Nisha, PMI Bangalore unit treasurer welcomed Fr Varghese Karippery, the cofounder of PMI, the first national coordinator and the present director of the first renewal and rehabilitation centre for released men prisoners at Thrissur. Fr Karippery in his orientation talk quoted the Scriptures to convey his message. Deuteronomy 21:23; Galatians 3:13; Jesus coming becomes a blessing; Luke 23:34 Methodology of Forgiveness: “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”; Luke 23:43 “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise and concluded with Luke 23:46: “Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”. Mr Rajendra Dushing, thanked Fr Karippery for his insightful message.
Cultural Program
The cultural program on ‘Colour the Life of Prisoners’ by PMI Goa was a delight. The parish teams danced to the tune on themes, Koti Kukdi, the Mando which portrays the social issues of life and Portuguese Kuridino. As day one came to a close, PMI Maharashtra conducted the night prayer.
Day 2: Wednesday, Nov.16-2022:
Theme – Repent to Reconcile
“Son of Man Came to Seek and Save the Lost” Lk 19,10
We Pray for Prisoners in India
Holy Mass
PMI Kerala conducted the morning prayers. PMI Karnataka organized the Mass. The Eucharistic celebration focussed on the theme Repent to Reconcile. His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa was the main celebrant. Most Rev Gerald Almeida, the president of Justice, Peace and development commission of CBCI, Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, chairperson of PMI, Most Rev Peter Remigius, former PMI chairperson, Fr Varghese Karippery, Fr Francis Kodiyan PMI founders and Fr Maverick Fernandes concelebrated. In his homily his eminence narrated an incident in the life of Lt. general Sen. One day on his way to meet his superior for an important appointment, on seeing a poor person carrying his ill father on his back, he got out of the car and took them to hospital. He waited on him even to the extent of missing out on a very important appointment. This is what Lt. Sen had to say “I learnt an unforgettable lesson in Christian courage and compassion”. God calls us, gives us gifts, tests and rewards us. A short story of a boy who was blind: the blind boy’s writing read ‘I am blind’ but in turn it fetched him only a few coins. But what mattered was when the change happened, when the revised writing read ‘The day is beautiful, but I am blind’. To the boy’s delight he found that the pail was soon filled with coins. It’s a matter of perception.
Inaugural Program
Prayer Dance PMI Goa
Welcome Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI National Coordinator
Keynote Address Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson
Flag-Hand over PMI Founders to Regional Coordinators
Lighting the Lamp Dignitaries
Bringing Lamps to the Dais PMI State Coordinators
Inaugural Address Hon Desmond D’Costa, Former District Judge & Member, Human Rights Commission, Goa
Presidential Address His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman
Message Mr Venancio Furtado, Inspector General of Prisons, Goa
Prize Distributions Preparatory Competition Prizes
Message of Pope Francis Fr Maverick Fernandes, Director Caritas
Benedictory Address Most Rev Gerald Almeida, President JPD Commission CBCI
Book Release Prison Voice – Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS
Message of Apostolic Nuncio Fr Wilfred Fernandes
Benedictory Address Most Rev Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairperson
Book Release Holy Warriors in Prisons – Sr Lini Sheeja MSC
Felicitation Fr Varghese Karippery, PMI Cofounder
Book Release PMI Special Task Forces – Fr Dominic Puthenpurackal MST
Felicitation Fr Martin Thattil, PMI South Regional Coordinator
PMI Calendar 2023 Release Sr Amala DC, PMI National Secretary
Felicitation Fr Sebastian Theckanath, PMI Former National Coordinator
Felicitation Sr Jobina UFS, PMI North East Regional Coordinator
Vote of Thanks Mr David Fernandes, PMI Goa State Coordinator
Concluding Prayer Sr Amala DC, PMI National Secretary
Prayer Dance
The 13th PMI national convention inauguration began with a prayer dance by a group of girls form St Xavier’s Academy for differently abled children, trained by Diana Cuto.
Fr Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI national coordinator, welcomed the chief guests and participants. While he welcomed the chief guests the PMI volunteers honoured the chief guests with shawl, garland, cap, cup and flower. In his welcome address Fr Francis said that since the inception of PMI on 8th December 1981 at St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam, Kerala, Fr. Varghese and himself had gone out to the peripheries to seek Jesus in the lost. Now, PMI in its 41st year has more than 20 rehabilitation centres and homes for prisoners’ children. PMI is an NGO under the Justice, Peace and Development Commission of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India. PMI volunteers visit 1306 prisons and reach-out, renew, release, reform, reintegrate, rehabilitate, redeem and work for integral development of prisoners’, families and victims. Fr Kodiyan thanked the commitment of team Goa, regional coordinators, national office staff, Mr David Fernandes, PMI Goa state coordinator, Sr Amala DC, national secretary, and all PMI volunteers.
Keynote Address
Most Rev. Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson in his Keynote Address, stressed the need to reach-out to the periphery. Over 0.4% of India’s population are languishing in prisons. He brought out Pope’s message on ‘Reform to Reintegrate’, the eighth fold path for prisoners’ reformation – start and end with God, spiritual warfare to overcome difficulties, intercessory prayer, prayer and fasting, hour of adoration, recitation of the rosary, divine mercy chaplet, seek guidance and energy from the Blessed Sacrament. Quoting the scriptural verse from Luke 1:37 says, “For nothing will be impossible with God”, he said none of the prisoners is beyond transformation and redemption. PMI accompanies them on their journey of transformation and redemption.
Sr Amala DC, PMI National secretary spoke on the flag-handover from the PMI founders to the four PMI regional coordinators. The white flag, the symbol of purity and innocence and non-judgemental was received by Fr Martin Thattil, PMI South regional coordinator. Yellow flag, the sign of optimism, energy and friendship was received by Fr Wilfred V Fernandes, PMI central regional coordinator. Blue flag representing sky, sea, freedom, Mary our Mother was received by Fr Jose Thannippara, PMI North regional coordinator. Green, symbol of renewal, abundance, transformation and new legacy was received by Sr Jobina UFS, PMI North East regional coordinator.
Jesus the Light of the World
The lighting of the lamp by dignitaries began with His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman. PMI state Ccordinators carried lamps to the dais and placed it around the samai to show solidarity and oneness with the hymn, ‘This Guiding Light of Mine, I will let it shine, let it shine, all the time let it shine’ and to continue keep the fire burning and kindle it with care.
Inaugural Address
Honourable Desmond D’Costa, Former District Judge & Member, Human Rights Commission, Goa in his inaugural address stated quoting Oscar Wilde “Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future”. The PMI activists of Goa are bringing positive changes to the prisoners in the Jails of Goa. He highlighted, Prisoners’ Rights Article 21 of the Constitution of India, Elgar Parishad Case, Article 14(2), 19, Article 21: Right to free legal, speedy trial, against and cruel punishment, Prisoners’ Act 1894 in force, Article 27 (separate for UT & convicts), 31, 34 release on parole, and Fundamental Rights. Human rights are part and parcel of human dignity.
Presidential Address
His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman in his presidential address stated that St. Joseph Vaz was in prison in Sri Lanka and is a saint of prisoners. His Eminence thanked PMI volunteers for sacrificing their time, and talents for PMI. PMI unit Goa completes 25 years and has 60 dedicated volunteers who attend to the education of the incarcerated and children, welfare and wellbeing of families, re-integration of prisoners in society and still building, sports and music for a therapeutic value and a positive mind-set, re-entry into society, to be a synodic church of brothers and sisters of the periphery. Jesus words “I was in prison and you visited me” (Mt 25:36), gave special impetus to prison ministry. Pope Francis in Rome visits prisoners, washing the feet of prisoners on Maundy Thursday, kissing the feet of those in captivity and asking them to pray for him. Visiting prisoners both inside and outside prisons and transforming the lives of brothers and sisters is meaningful witness to the values of Jesus Christ.
Benedictory Address
Most Rev Gerald Almeida, president JPD commission of CBCI, spoke about the 26 boys who were arrested for illegal cutting of trees, and punished for 14 years. We need legal knowledge and effort is required to release innocent prisoners. He spoke of a law college for tribals meant to get justice for them. We should be people of action, be proactive, and be an active member of Prison Ministry. Most Rev Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairman said that we need to change our attitude towards prisoners’ and not be judgemental. The Catholic Bishops Conference of India in 2000 declared the Second Sunday of August as Prison Ministry Sunday. All glory is to God.
Holy Father’s Message
Fr Maverick Fernandes, Caritas Director of Goa readout the message of Holy Father Pope Francis. In his message Pope Francis sated that in a context in which incarcerated persons frequently experience indifference and rejection he is grateful for the witness of the PMI volunteers who care for the spiritual and material well-being and dignity of our brothers and sisters with equity, compassion and fraternal solidarity; for to serve those in prison is to serve Jesus himself. His Holiness hopes that this conference will renew the zeal of all involve in prison ministry to work for the rehabilitation of the imprisoned as well as for their eventual reintegration into society.
Prize Distribution
His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao distributed prizes awarded to winners of the preparatory competition for the PMI national convention. Mr Joy, Delhi, received prizes on behalf of Vijay Kumar and Julia. Mr. Sondal, Bhopal, on behalf of Mr Raj and Mr David Fernandes, Goa, on behalf of Mr Patel, Ms Dianna and Ms Mariama who bagged the prizes.
Apostolic Nucio’s Message
Fr. Wilfred V. Fernandes, Central Regional Coordinator & Maharashtra State Coordinator read out the message of Most Rev Leopoldo Girelli, the apostolic nuncio for India and Nepal. He stated that PMI has chosen a very appropriate theme for this event, namely, Reform to Reintegrate, which focuses on the rehabilitation of the prisoners, by reforming them and also helping them to reintegrate themselves in society. The Doha Declaration which was made at the conclusion of the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Doha in April 2015, highlighted the usefulness of supporting the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners into the community. Pope Francis in his Address to participants at an international meeting for regional and national chaplains responsible for prison pastoral care, expressed that "the situation in prisons continues to be a reflection of our social reality and a consequence of our selfishness and indifference summarized in a throwaway culture. True social integration begins by guaranteeing opportunities for development, education, decent work, access to health, as well as generating public spaces for civic participation. Today, in particular, our societies are called to overcome the stigmatization of those who have made a mistake" (Pope Francis, 8 November 2019). He was glad to learn that Prison Ministry India has launched more than 25 rehabilitation centres and homes for prisoners' children in India and also many projects for the reintegration of prisoners, such as prisoners' releasing schemes, employment schemes for released prisoners, and hostels for prisoners' children. He acknowledged the zeal and dedication of the 8,000 Prison Ministry of India volunteers, comprising of bishops, priests, consecrated persons and lay faithful, who visit the 1,350 prisons in India, and are working for the release and rehabilitation of prisoners, as well as their reintegration in society.
Book Release
The book Prison Voice written by Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS was released by his Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao by giving a copy to Fr Varghese Karippery. Holy Warriors in Prisons written by Sr Lini Sheeja MSC was released by Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva by giving a copy to Sr Amala DC. PMI Special Task Forces written by Fr Dominic Puthenpurackal MST was released by Most Rev Gerald Almeida by giving a copy to Fr. Martin Thattil, PMI South Regional Coordinator. Most Rev Peter Remigius released the PMI 2023 calendar by giving a copy to Sr. Amala DC, PMI National Secretary.
Fr Varghese Karippery, PMI cofounder, Fr Martin Thattil, PMI South regional coordinator, Fr Sebastian Theckanath, PMI Former National Coordinator, Sr Jobina UFS, PMI North East regional coordinator felicitated and wished God’s abundant blessings to PMI in the coming years.
Vote of Thanks
Mr David Fernandes, PMI Goa State Coordinator delivered the vote of thanks. With the concluding prayer of Sr Amala DC the inaugural session came to an end. A photo session covering delegates from the Indian states represented by Prison Ministry India followed thereafter.
Session 1: Reach-out to Release
Mr Antony Marshall, Indore Diocese, a PMI volunteer spoke of the work he carried out in jail. 800 people had graduated in the jail, opened a library in jail and had organized a special program by inviting a spiritual leader for moral guidance.
Rowena Louis welcomed Sr Adele SCCG, PMI National Executive Member to voice her views on the topic Reach-out to Release. As a child, she had received a call to carry the light to people who live in darkness. At first confused, but later through a prison visit with her retreat students, understood the meaning of darkness and what it meant to be released from bondages, anger and hatred (Heb 12:16). Jer 29:11 says, “I know the plans, I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. 8R – Reachout, release, repent, reconcile, reform, rehabilitate, reintegrate and redeem - is the pathway to brethren behind the bars, a call to release prisoners. PMI is a call to carry the light of Christ to people living in darkness. Mt 18:14 says it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost. “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb 4:12). “Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb 12:14).
Session 2: Reformation and Rehabilitation
Fr. Alexander Kureekkattil CMF, PMI former Kerala State coordinator expressed his views on Reform to Rehabilitate. He visited 46 prisons. As a man on fire, he spreads his fire wherever he goes, has turned himself into fire for PMI. It is through brokenness that Jesus shed his life for sinners (Jn 1:29). ‘Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn 7:37). Let anyone who is thirsty come to me.
Group Discussion
Fr Francis Kodiyan gave instructions for the group discussion and introduced the theme to be discussed. The group discussion that followed brought in insights, inspirations, innovations, for PMI Golden Jubilee. The delegates were divided into 9 groups. Each group appointed a President and Secretary to report on the deliberations. Most Rev. Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairperson was the moderator of the session to present the group discussion reports.
Session 3: Reintegration and Redemption
Sr. Inigo Joachim SSA, former superior general of St Anne’s Chennai, spoke on Reintegrate to Redeem from the Biblical Perspective. What motivated me to join PMI? Passion for the Word of God, Sr. Carmelita, General, visited prisons and the IAS Officer, Kiran Bedi, because of her prison reform she was attracted to the NGO. PMI is a biblical, moral, ethical, human & spiritual ministry. All Popes have taken keen interest in prisoners. Jesus’ mission statement: Isaiah 61:1, The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. Matthew 25:36 says, I needed clothes, you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in Prison and you came to visit me. Jesus is the founder of Prison Ministry. What is a prison: Genesis 39: A place for Reformation, Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Redemption. “He who opens a school door, closes a prison” Victor Hugo Who is a prisoner? Galatians 3:22 says, mankind are prisoners of sin. Some are caught and I’m not.
What do we do in prison? Why? Matthew 25:36 says, I needed clothes you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in Prison and you came to visit me. Hebrews 13:3 points out, “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them; and those who are mistreated, as if you yourselves were suffering. What is Spirituality? It is sensitivity, solidarity, service and sustainability. “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. “A nation should not be known by how it treats its highest citizens but its lowest ones” Nelson Mandela. Joshua 1:9 says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Psalm 68: Let us give Praise and Thanksgiving. It was indeed a knowledge-giving session to bring out zeal in the lives of ex-prisoners’ for living their lives once again to the fullest.
Kanthamal Prisoners
Mr Anto Akkara, freelance journalist spoke on the amazing story of releasing Kanthamal prisoners and its aftere-ffects that left marks of distress, disturbances, and deprivation of peace and harmony. Prayer is important. Proclamation of the gospel gives me no ground for boasting, for it is an obligation laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel! A real stimulating and engaging session on changing lives, a pursuit for passion.
Eucharistic Adoration
Fr Pious D’Souza from Shimoga led the Eucharistic Adoration. The day ended with a cultural program conducted by Grace Notes, Salegaon Church, Goenchi Lara – We Are the World, Deanery Song Heh Vita, joined by the Calangute Akando Band which brought out the charismatic approach of the PMI Goa. PMI North East region conducted the night prayer.
Day 3: Thursday, Nov.17-2022:
Theme – Reform to Rehabilitate
“Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them, those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured” (Heb 13,3)
We Pray for Death Row Prisoners and Abolition of Capital Punishment
Holy Mass
PMI Odisha conducted the Morning Prayer. PMI Telangana prepared for the Mass. Most Rev Peter Remigius, former PMI chairman was the main celebrant. He prayed in a special way for death row prisoners and abolition of capital punishment.
Keynote addresses
Sr Lucy Kurian, foundress of Maher, spoke on Rehabilitation and Re-integration. H.O.P.E: Human Organisation for Pioneering Engineering. Since 1995 Maher - the Mother Home, has established homes in all Indian States. Maher has set-up 65 homes for the homeless, cared for the education of the girl child especially educating the family, opened special kitchen, cooking food for migrant workers during covid-19, offering food packets and food grains to 30,000-40,000 jobless people. The Divine Lord was there to protect and none got Covid-19. Truly believe in divine energy. We were open for released prisoners. 188 marriages took place in Maher. Maher finds partners for orphans. Need people with commitment to live for people. It takes courage to answer a call. She has shared her life experience in Pune and all over the country.
Rev Dr Anil Joel Prasad, Karnataka Regional Director for Pastoral Plan on Prisoners’ Integral Human Development: Post Pandemic Scenario, explained how our ministry should be. Every miracle in the Bible has one thing in common: Problem. We need to think and walk. Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, three things to note: Walk with Me to enjoy His presence; Work with me, accept the partnership; Watch Me and follow my example. The time is not in the duration but in the donation. How effective are you? We need 3 keys: caring about others, daring for and sharing with others, John 10:10. We only have what we give. Nothing can defeat love and hope. If there is no opposition, there is no mission.
Session 4: PMI Dynamics – Panel Discussion
Sr Theresa Mascarenhas, PMI Karnataka State coordinator was the moderator of the session.
PMI Seminary Units
Fr. Jose Valiamangalam MST, coordinator for PMI Seminary Units – PMI Units of Major Seminaries said, Why Am I Here? God has a plan for each one. There are 55 major seminaries in India. In Kerala alone there are 7 major seminaries, who visit jail inmates, families, children and rehabilitation centres and are involved in rehabilitation work. With Prayer as the Power House, they conduct weekly prayer and fast for conversion of the brothers and sisters behind the bars and conduct computer classes so on and so forth.
Repatriation of Prisoners
Mr Jesu Raja, PMI Tamilnadu, Secretary – Prisoners’ Repatriation said that it is a call within a call. For repatriation of foreigners a valid passport is essential. A release court order and letter from the prison authorities is handed over to the NGO. Once this is done, a request letter from the inmate requesting for help, the Government Order for Deportation and Intimation to the Embassy is required to complete the procedure. As on March 2022 there are 4926 foreign prisoners’, of whom 1140 are convicts. Bangladesh has 1630, Nigeria 615, 1295 in West Bengal, 400 in Delhi, 380 in Maharashtra and others.
Homes for Prisoners’ Children
Sr. Anjali SSA, Premodaya, Bangalore – PMI Homes: Prisoners’ Children said that the home was started in 2001 and it primarily works for human development, provides food, clothing, shelter, education and skill development to prisoners’ children and follow Christian values. Besides, yoga and extra-curricular activities opportunities are given to visit parents. More than 100 students have passed out. A proper time table is followed and daily prayer is a part of daily routine. The rights of children are upheld.
PMI Units
Br. Sunnilal MMB, PMI MP Coordinator on PMI Unit Level Ministries said that every little change can make a difference in the community. 9.30-10.00 p.m. regular prayer meetings held. The unit meeting is held once a month. Extensive work activities viz., house visits, cricket match, celebration of national holidays, conducting skill development and awareness programmes, a set-up a library, medical camps, talks on health and hygiene, competitions, yoga and on-going computer classes, drama, legal ministry, and organic farming are some of the works carried out.
PMI Rehabilitation Centres
Sr Clara HCM, Jeevodaya Superior – PMI Rehabilitation Centres, said that along with Fr. Varghese Karippery and Sr. Fedilis, they started from a humble beginning in a farmhouse-cow shed. The need of the time is to work for the will of God, faithful to our calling. Praying on the sand packet brought from the prison got them permission to visit prison and thereafter the rehabilitation home. God works in numerous ways.
Legal Service Cells
Ms. Caroline Collasso spoke on Legal Aid Cells: She categorically stated that every prisoner has the right to choose his lawyer and as per Article 14 & 21, the right to be represented by law by a lawyer free of charge as outlined in the 1987 act. The State Legal Service is bound to give awareness programmes free on women’s day and national days. The Para legal volunteers need not have legal background and be abreast with learning the basic laws of prisoners.
Cafasso Squad
Fr Leo spoke on Cafasso Squad. The Cafasso Squad is for youth who are interested in Prison Ministry. Any youth who can commit 2 hours every week or at least twice in a month can join. The youth will have to teach teenagers/children in the Observation Home. The Cafasso Squad is named after St Joseph Caffaso and works in collaboration with Prison Ministry India.
Q&A Open to the Floor
The views expressed and explored on this platform by the resource persons
and presenters made the audience rethink ideas which we cling on to in our
day to day life. All the resource persons conducted very engaging and fruitful sessions.
PMI Inner Dynamics
Panel Discussion
Most Rev Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairperson was the moderator of the session.
PMI Spirituality
Fr. Wilfred V. Fernandes, PMI Central Regional Coordinator on PMI Spirituality said that PMI volunteers are not social workers. We are called to be witnesses of sharing God’s love, mercy and compassion to our brethren behind the bars. PMI volunteers should offer hope, share God’s love to overcome guilt, shame and rejection. Life of prayer is important and must meet God daily in the Holy Eucharist which is the summit of our life. Therefore, offer daily Mass for the incarcerated, families and victims, intercessory prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet, works of mercy, Novenas. God’s mercy is bigger than any mistake that has been made. Adopt Prisoners’ Rosary: i) Jesus is arrested, ii) accused, iii) tried by Pilate, iv) sentenced to death, v) Jesus accepts thieves to paradise.
PMI Intercessory Prayer
Sr. Shanti FC, PMI Intercessory Prayer Coordinator said that Holy Mass for Prisoners’ Renewal is the source and summit. Incessant Intercessory Invocation for the incarcerated 24x365 intercessory Eucharistic Adoration to renew prisoners worldwide, Rosary Campaign for the Renewal of Prisoners Worldwide, Chain Fasting for the Prisoners’ Renewal. There are 1306 prisons in India, therefore, adopt 3 prisons to pray, fast and visit.
PMI Special Task Forces
Fr. Michael Francis, PMI Special Task Force Coordinator – PMI Special Task Forces said that STF in PMI has a special goal to pray. The Parable of the Sower Luke 8.8: Some seed fell on good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold. As he said this, he called out, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen”. There are 40 STF’s and if you receive God’s call, please join!
PMI Basic Principles
Mr Ashok Kumar, PMI Vijayawada Unit Coordinator – PMI Basic Principles: He highlighted the 8- fold path for prisoners’ reformation. The principles come from the Word of God empowered by the Holy Spirit. PMI volunteers follow the God of boldness and that ‘You are not alone’ - God is always there with you. He ended with the PMI Vision, Mission, Divine Providence Experience, Inconvenience is our Convenience and begging makes us humble and none is beyond reformation.
PMI Projects
Fr. Antony O de M – PMI Projects Coordinator – the PMI Projects among others mentioned Homes for Prisoners’ Children, 50 Houses for Released Prisoners’, PMI Rehabilitation Centres and Homes for the Human Trafficked.
Q&A Open to the Floor
Honouring Full Timers: Sr. Fulmani explained that the way forward is to pay daily visits to prisoners’, families and children and by maintaining good relationship with Govt. officers and approach through the Home Ministry.
Fr. Arokiaswamy said that he has written to the Hon. Narendara Modi, Prime Minister, and awaits his response on the reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners’.
PMI Regional Meetings
PMI regional meetings were held in which State reports and accounts were presented and passed. Fr Jesu Amirtham, PMI UP State Coordinator, was the moderator of the reporting meeting of the regional coordinators.
Fr. Martin Thattil, PMI South Regional Coordinator (Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Ponducherry). Permission was granted to visit only a few jails. PMI have built a rapport with the Jail Superintendent and other officials. Seminarians are also involved. Conduct Seminars, visit juvenile homes, skill development programs, family visits, educational help, construction of houses, marriages, releasing of prisoners are some of the activities held, and also supporting the PMI National Office. The general permission is not granted in Karnataka and Kerala. In 2023 intend to strengthen PMI at the grass root, parish level.
Fr. George Peter Kachirayil MST, PMI North Regional Coordinator (Delhi & Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir-Ladakh, Punjab, Rajashthan, U.P. & Jharkhand). Fr. Jose Thamipara, UP Coordinator said that spiritual counselling, prayer, meditation and yoga are held, celebration of Mahila Diwas, celebration of national festivals is a regular feature, many got themselves registered for education from GNU, computer education is provided; there are around 15 priests and religious advocates, family visits and counselling, job orientation programs are conducted; 250 inmates bailed out with the help of families and 40 classes conducted. Fr. Jesus Amritam got an award for his valuable contribution to the Ministry.
Sr. Jobina UFS, PMI North East Regional Coordinator (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura). Since 2018, it is a registered society. Visiting of jails is held on a regular basis. Skill training, soap making, crime free awareness programmes, motivational and inspirational programs, medical camps, animation programs, providing library books, celebration of national festivals and snacks distributed, constructed volley ball court for prisoners’ and competitions held, provided financial aid for HIV patients, Prison Ministry Sunday is celebrated with great fervour. During Covid provided soup, vitamin tablets etc. There is a lack of committed volunteers and there is a difficulty to reach prisons due to the distance in travel.
Fr. Wilfred V. Fernandes, PMI Central Regional Coordinator (Maharashtra, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Goa-Daman-Diu, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal-Sikkim-and Nicobar Islands). Motivation program was held for volunteers. In-house computer classes, awareness programs for school children, personality development, prison kitchen, bakery and radio station set-up, intercessory prayer held, free legal aid, vocational training, skill development-carpentry, celebrated national festivals and cultural programs held, educational relief, state/diocesan level conferences held, drawing competitions, provided TVs for inmates, medical camps, yoga classes, distant education programs, contributed to release of prisoners, acquitted lady inmates and provided employment, daily Mass offered during Covid for prisoners’, families, victims and volunteers are some of the activities held. It has a healing Ministry. Prison Ministry Sunday is celebrated with great enthusiasm.
PMI General Body Meeting
The PMI General Body meeting began with a prayer. Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva PMI Chairperson presided over the meeting. Sr Amala DC, PMI national secretary read out the report. Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS the PMI National coordinator presented the activity report. Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva raised the topic of the next national convention. It was decided to convene it in Kerala in PMI South Region.
Session 6: Prisoners’ Reformation and Reintegration: Legal Perspective
Dr. Antony Sebastian O,Pream, Adv. Former Chairperson KSCPCR, Founder Director ECHO Centre for Juvenile Justice, Bangalore. – Reformation and Reintegration.
Children in conflict with law: An approach in dealing with children in conflict with law-Juvenile Justice Act Section 8. The guiding principle in dealing with conflict with law is by adopting of JJ Act 2015.
Understanding Juvenile Crimes and Causes
(majority of crimes are committed between the age groups 17-18
-Rehabilitation of children in conflict with law
- Prevention is better than cure
– Preventative Programmes
- Juvenile Child Mapping: Community level intervention for Rehabilitation
- Community Based Rehabilitation Home :
-Rehabilitation starts at Special Homes I Activities at Special Homes
-Innovative Experiment: Washing the feet of parents and Parents feeding the children.
-Programmes from street to street
-Hotel Management Programme for children in difficult circumstances
-Break the chain of poverty
-Group Foster Care Homes
-Exchange Programme
Eucharistic Adoration
Fr Pious D’Souza conducted the Eucharistic Adoration.
State-wise Cultural Program
Fr Dion Isaac was the coordinator of the program. A coming-together in love and friendship, showcasing the talents, created a friendly air of sorts. Amongst all the excitement and cheering, the states that conducted the cultural delights got them a thunderous round of applause. Well done! PMI Andhra conducted the night prayers.
Day 4: Friday, November 18, 2022
Theme – Reintegrate to Redeem
“Today you will be with me in paradise” Lk 23,43
We pray for the redemption of prisoners and PMI volunteers
PMI Jharkhand, organized the morning prayer. The winners for state-wise cultural program were announced: 1st Prize: Kerala State, 2nd Prize: North East –Mizoram and the 3rd Prize: Karnataka State-Bangalore.
Keynote Address
Adv Ravi Varma, Former Advocate General, Karnataka – Human & Prisoners’ Rights
A renowned social justice activist, working for the cause of Dalits and farmers said that inmate faith in human beings can change. Human Rights of Prisoners: Brethren behind Bars (BBB)-illegally arrested persons : In 1968 the United Nations drafted as Human Rights. The Indian Court has adopted as fundamental right - Article 32 states to move the Supreme Court by an ordinary petition. Awareness is Empowerment: Rights of Prisoners as recognized under Prisons Act 1994 - Acts under the Constitution of India 14,15, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 39A and Prisoners’ Act 1984, 1990. It is better to go through the prison manuals to understand what is legitimately proper and find out the prison reforms in India viz 1949 Pakwana Committee, Mulla Committee 1980, 2000 Model Prison Manual Committee, and V.R. Krishna 1986 - Women Prisons. Every undertrial prisoner can avail speedy justice under Article 2, a fundamental right. Amrita Committee on overcrowding of jails - prepare a dossier on overcrowding and file a petition Habeas Corpus. PIL could be done. Children born to sex workers - petition the Govt. on Justice V.R. Krishna Article 32 under the Supreme Court and present it to the Chief Justice of India (uphold right of women, same as sex partners). Malicious Prosecution (recover compensation including loss of freedom). Article 22: Fundamental Right. Released prisoner taken back to prison due to exposition of their own faults. PMI volunteers can petition to Dr. Y. Chandra Chur, Chief Justice of India.
Reformation Testimonies
Babu, Jolly & Nimmy – Reformed Lives. Recreation of new minds
Babu had never experienced love except through the concern of PMI volunteers (James 5:19-20). It was after Fr. George touched his feet, Babu accepted to follow Jesus. Under difficult circumstances, he was transformed to Jesus Babu. This news will be conveyed to his comrades to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Voice of CRI
Sr Elsa Muttahu PBVM, CRI National Secretary spoke on behalf of Conference of Religious India. There are 1302 religious congregations in India. She raised the question, how to motivate various superiors to collaborate to take the message of Christ to all? Each congregation has to rehabilitate people coming out of prison. “No place, but them on my cot, under my cot, in my washroom” – Don Bosco. Sr Inigo responded, house them put them in schools/institutions. Every congregation shall provide a building for this purpose.
Honouring Volunteers
Certificates were awarded to all those who have completed 20 plus years in Prison Ministry India.
Fr Maverick Fernandes, Director of Caritas, Goa proposed a vote of thanks, an apt conclusion with specific summing of the conference and acknowledgement of the efforts of the whole Prison Ministry India team. Prison Ministry India has achieved much in the past few years and there is nothing to stop it from moving forward.
Mission Statement
Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI National Coordinator – Mission Statement & Dreams for PMI Golden Jubilee. Fr. Francis gave a short background of Prison Ministry India. He brought out the mission statement that dwelt upon the need for organized engagements. He mentioned about the challenges in prisons, proposals made to the Govt., fundamental rights, namely: religious, moral, educational; right to vote, recommendations to Govt., recommendations to the Catholic Church, Pope Francis request to launch homes, Caritas: Care for Prisoners, and taking on the recommendations of the Synod. Fr. Francis highlighted the Golden Jubilee Dreams: Reawakening Dreams, PMI Burning Bush Spiritual Banquet on every first Saturday of the month from 06.00-08.00 p.m., Incessant Intercessory Invocation for the Incarcerated, Homes for Prisoners’ Children, 5000 Scholarships for Prisoners’ Children, 500 Prisoners’ Release, Experiences: Record and write books and articles; 50 Special Task Forces, 50 Houses for Released Prisoners, 500 Jobs for Released Prisoners, PMI Legal Clinics, 10 more Rehabilitation Centres, 10 more Homes for the Human Trafficked girls and boys, Provision for 5000 Prisoners’ Families, Medical Care for 5000 Prisoners’ Families, and having 5000 PMI Volunteers.
Thanksgiving Holy Mass
Most Rev. Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson, was the main celebrant of the Holy Mass. He specially prayed for the redemption of prisoners and PMI volunteers. He invited PMI volunteers to listen to the cries and groans of prisoners. Commit yourselves and be inspired by the Gospel to work in the periphery with a deeper commitment. The 3 kings after worshipping Jesus went a different way. Similarly, inspired by the Gospel, we are sure to go a different way. He thanked all PMI volunteers for their hope, courage and determination. Bishop Allwyn requested the delegates to read the book on the synod: we are journeying together, working together. In the evening an outing, a boat cruise was organized by the convention team.
Day 5: Saturday, November 19, 2022
Theme: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
“There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance” (Lk 15,7)
We pray for Worldwide Prison Ministry Volunteers
Holy Mass
PMI Chhattisgarh conducted the Morning Prayer. Fr. Dion Isaac was the main celebrant.
At 9am all were ready to go for sightseeing. The buses took the participants to various churches such as Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Se Cathedral, the largest Church in Goa dedicated to St. Catherine, Our Lady of Pilar Church, and finally the Basilica of Bom Jesus where the remains of St Francis Xavier are kept.
Return and Departure
The four-day national conference of Prison Ministry India offered opportunities to participants to interact with resource persons, activists, experts, who covered topics around the issues of Reformation and Reintegration. The four days comprised of incisive and insightful discussions on various topics of reformation, rehabilitation, reintegration and redemption of prisoners. Praising and thanking God, the participants departed to their homes. Ad majorem Dei Gloriam.
A year-long preparation of solemn Holy Masses, intercessory prayers & fasting and PMI endeavours for a successful and fruitful event crowned the start of the 13th Prison Ministry India Convention. On Tuesday, 15 November 2022, St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Goa, welcomed the dignitaries of Prison Ministry India, an impressive ensemble of bishops, clergy, religious, regional and state co-ordinators, rehabilitation centres and seminary unit directors and volunteers from across India. Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI cofounder and national coordinator for this four day convention, offered opportunities for participating audiences to interact with experts, resource persons on various topics around the issues (a) to deepen solidarity and fraternity among PMI family members; (b) to provide new insights on the eight-fold path for reach-out, reformation, reconciliation, repentance, release, rehabilitation, reintegration and redemption for prisoners’ reformation; (c) to share experiences and thereby to enrich and enlarge the horizons of the ministry; (d) to evaluate the past and plan for the future; and (e) to update volunteers regarding the reforms and developments undertaken by Prison Ministry India family.
Reform to Reintegrate
The theme for the convention, Reform to Reintegrate, carried Pope Francis’ message that was delivered at the International Conference of Worldwide Prison Chaplains on Integral Human Development and Catholic Prison Pastoral Care at the Pontifical Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development chaired by His Eminence Peter Cardinal Turkson on November 6-8, 2019. Pope Francis reiterated on the Church’s concern for imprisoned brethren to the mission laid down by Jesus Christ for the vulnerable and homeless less fortunate in whom Jesus is present (Mt 25:30-40).
Day 1: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Theme – Reach-out to Release
“I was in Prison you Visited me” Mt 25, 36.
We pray for Worldwide Prisoners
On 15 November 2022 at 9.00am the convention registration began. The six registration teams i) Maharashtra ii) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh iii) Kerala, Telangana, North Eastern States iv) Gujarat, MP, Jharkhand, Bihar, Delhi, Odisha v) Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, PMI National Office, Resource Persons vi) Goa were geared to take up the task of welcoming the delegates both from far and near. With smiling faces and with “Name it and do it” mantra, they were eager to complete the task entrusted to them. Delegates were accommodated at five residential locations viz. Pastoral Centre, Angels, Cathedral, Mont Fort and Cruz Milagres.
PMI National Executive Meeting
The PMI national executive meeting was held at 3PM at the main hall of St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre. Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, PMI chairman presided over the meeting. Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI national coordinator welcomed the members. Sr Amala DC readout the report. Fr Jose Thannippara MST presented the audited financial report of 2021-2022 and the six months accounts of 2022. The executive members discussed, evaluated and approved the 13th national convention program and decided to establish a home for prisoners’ children and a PMI office in Delhi. Fr Antony O de M proposed a vote of thanks.
Eucharistic Adoration
PMI Goa conducted the Eucharistic Adoration invoking blessings for the convention in which all volunteers enthusiastically participated.
Holy Mass
Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson, was the main celebrant of the Holy Eucharist. Most Rev Peter Remigius, Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, Fr Varghese Karippery, the PMI founders, Fr Wilfred Fernandes, Fr Martin Thattil and Fr Jose Thannippara the PMI regional coordinators concelebrated. Bishop Allwyn during his homily illustrated the theme Reach-out to Release basing on the biblical passage “I was in Prison you visited Me” (Mt 25:36) and prayed for the renewal and rehabilitation of prisoners’ worldwide. PMI Madya Pradesh unit assisted the Mass. The choir under the leadership of Mr David Fernandes was enthralling.
Sr Mabel introduced and welcomed Fr Maverick Fernandes, Caritas Director of Goa, who was entrusted with the task of welcoming the delegates on behalf of the PMI Goa unit. Fr Maverick first and foremost thanked the PMI founders and executive members for deciding to have the 13th PMI national convention a Christ-witnessing event in God’s own Abode, Goa. Mrs Veera Pinto, secretary of PMI Bangalore unit thanked Fr Maverick Fernandes for his welcome speech.
St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre
Mr Michael Noronha, PMI Karnataka state secretary, welcomed Fr Henry Vaz of St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre who spoke on the brief history of the Centre. The first miracle of the vision of the cross took place in 1619. Hence, the Church is named the Cross of Miracles. From 1835 to 2011 the place remained abandoned. In 2011 St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre was rebuilt under the Archdiocese of Goa. St Joseph Vaz was canonised by Pope Francis on 14 January 2015 and is the first saint of Goa and Apostle of Sri-Lanka.
Convention Dynamics
Sr Nakshatra introduced and welcomed Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, cofounder and PMI national coordinator. Fr Francis Kodiyan began his talk with praise and thanksgiving in the words ‘O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine’. Fr Kodiyan mentioned that as per statistics there are 1306 prisons, nearly six lakhs’ prisoners in India. We are called, he said, to serve and save them; reach-out, renew, release, reform, re-integrate, rehabilitate, redeem and through continued prayers and sacrifices, to save the lost. The re-integrate mantra is ‘Thank you Jesus’. Mrs Gorretti Martins, PMI Goa secretary thanked him for his words of wisdom.
Orientation Talk
Mrs Nisha, PMI Bangalore unit treasurer welcomed Fr Varghese Karippery, the cofounder of PMI, the first national coordinator and the present director of the first renewal and rehabilitation centre for released men prisoners at Thrissur. Fr Karippery in his orientation talk quoted the Scriptures to convey his message. Deuteronomy 21:23; Galatians 3:13; Jesus coming becomes a blessing; Luke 23:34 Methodology of Forgiveness: “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”; Luke 23:43 “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise and concluded with Luke 23:46: “Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”. Mr Rajendra Dushing, thanked Fr Karippery for his insightful message.
Cultural Program
The cultural program on ‘Colour the Life of Prisoners’ by PMI Goa was a delight. The parish teams danced to the tune on themes, Koti Kukdi, the Mando which portrays the social issues of life and Portuguese Kuridino. As day one came to a close, PMI Maharashtra conducted the night prayer.
Day 2: Wednesday, Nov.16-2022:
Theme – Repent to Reconcile
“Son of Man Came to Seek and Save the Lost” Lk 19,10
We Pray for Prisoners in India
Holy Mass
PMI Kerala conducted the morning prayers. PMI Karnataka organized the Mass. The Eucharistic celebration focussed on the theme Repent to Reconcile. His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa was the main celebrant. Most Rev Gerald Almeida, the president of Justice, Peace and development commission of CBCI, Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, chairperson of PMI, Most Rev Peter Remigius, former PMI chairperson, Fr Varghese Karippery, Fr Francis Kodiyan PMI founders and Fr Maverick Fernandes concelebrated. In his homily his eminence narrated an incident in the life of Lt. general Sen. One day on his way to meet his superior for an important appointment, on seeing a poor person carrying his ill father on his back, he got out of the car and took them to hospital. He waited on him even to the extent of missing out on a very important appointment. This is what Lt. Sen had to say “I learnt an unforgettable lesson in Christian courage and compassion”. God calls us, gives us gifts, tests and rewards us. A short story of a boy who was blind: the blind boy’s writing read ‘I am blind’ but in turn it fetched him only a few coins. But what mattered was when the change happened, when the revised writing read ‘The day is beautiful, but I am blind’. To the boy’s delight he found that the pail was soon filled with coins. It’s a matter of perception.
Inaugural Program
Prayer Dance PMI Goa
Welcome Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI National Coordinator
Keynote Address Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson
Flag-Hand over PMI Founders to Regional Coordinators
Lighting the Lamp Dignitaries
Bringing Lamps to the Dais PMI State Coordinators
Inaugural Address Hon Desmond D’Costa, Former District Judge & Member, Human Rights Commission, Goa
Presidential Address His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman
Message Mr Venancio Furtado, Inspector General of Prisons, Goa
Prize Distributions Preparatory Competition Prizes
Message of Pope Francis Fr Maverick Fernandes, Director Caritas
Benedictory Address Most Rev Gerald Almeida, President JPD Commission CBCI
Book Release Prison Voice – Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS
Message of Apostolic Nuncio Fr Wilfred Fernandes
Benedictory Address Most Rev Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairperson
Book Release Holy Warriors in Prisons – Sr Lini Sheeja MSC
Felicitation Fr Varghese Karippery, PMI Cofounder
Book Release PMI Special Task Forces – Fr Dominic Puthenpurackal MST
Felicitation Fr Martin Thattil, PMI South Regional Coordinator
PMI Calendar 2023 Release Sr Amala DC, PMI National Secretary
Felicitation Fr Sebastian Theckanath, PMI Former National Coordinator
Felicitation Sr Jobina UFS, PMI North East Regional Coordinator
Vote of Thanks Mr David Fernandes, PMI Goa State Coordinator
Concluding Prayer Sr Amala DC, PMI National Secretary
Prayer Dance
The 13th PMI national convention inauguration began with a prayer dance by a group of girls form St Xavier’s Academy for differently abled children, trained by Diana Cuto.
Fr Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI national coordinator, welcomed the chief guests and participants. While he welcomed the chief guests the PMI volunteers honoured the chief guests with shawl, garland, cap, cup and flower. In his welcome address Fr Francis said that since the inception of PMI on 8th December 1981 at St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam, Kerala, Fr. Varghese and himself had gone out to the peripheries to seek Jesus in the lost. Now, PMI in its 41st year has more than 20 rehabilitation centres and homes for prisoners’ children. PMI is an NGO under the Justice, Peace and Development Commission of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India. PMI volunteers visit 1306 prisons and reach-out, renew, release, reform, reintegrate, rehabilitate, redeem and work for integral development of prisoners’, families and victims. Fr Kodiyan thanked the commitment of team Goa, regional coordinators, national office staff, Mr David Fernandes, PMI Goa state coordinator, Sr Amala DC, national secretary, and all PMI volunteers.
Keynote Address
Most Rev. Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson in his Keynote Address, stressed the need to reach-out to the periphery. Over 0.4% of India’s population are languishing in prisons. He brought out Pope’s message on ‘Reform to Reintegrate’, the eighth fold path for prisoners’ reformation – start and end with God, spiritual warfare to overcome difficulties, intercessory prayer, prayer and fasting, hour of adoration, recitation of the rosary, divine mercy chaplet, seek guidance and energy from the Blessed Sacrament. Quoting the scriptural verse from Luke 1:37 says, “For nothing will be impossible with God”, he said none of the prisoners is beyond transformation and redemption. PMI accompanies them on their journey of transformation and redemption.
Sr Amala DC, PMI National secretary spoke on the flag-handover from the PMI founders to the four PMI regional coordinators. The white flag, the symbol of purity and innocence and non-judgemental was received by Fr Martin Thattil, PMI South regional coordinator. Yellow flag, the sign of optimism, energy and friendship was received by Fr Wilfred V Fernandes, PMI central regional coordinator. Blue flag representing sky, sea, freedom, Mary our Mother was received by Fr Jose Thannippara, PMI North regional coordinator. Green, symbol of renewal, abundance, transformation and new legacy was received by Sr Jobina UFS, PMI North East regional coordinator.
Jesus the Light of the World
The lighting of the lamp by dignitaries began with His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman. PMI state Ccordinators carried lamps to the dais and placed it around the samai to show solidarity and oneness with the hymn, ‘This Guiding Light of Mine, I will let it shine, let it shine, all the time let it shine’ and to continue keep the fire burning and kindle it with care.
Inaugural Address
Honourable Desmond D’Costa, Former District Judge & Member, Human Rights Commission, Goa in his inaugural address stated quoting Oscar Wilde “Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future”. The PMI activists of Goa are bringing positive changes to the prisoners in the Jails of Goa. He highlighted, Prisoners’ Rights Article 21 of the Constitution of India, Elgar Parishad Case, Article 14(2), 19, Article 21: Right to free legal, speedy trial, against and cruel punishment, Prisoners’ Act 1894 in force, Article 27 (separate for UT & convicts), 31, 34 release on parole, and Fundamental Rights. Human rights are part and parcel of human dignity.
Presidential Address
His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman in his presidential address stated that St. Joseph Vaz was in prison in Sri Lanka and is a saint of prisoners. His Eminence thanked PMI volunteers for sacrificing their time, and talents for PMI. PMI unit Goa completes 25 years and has 60 dedicated volunteers who attend to the education of the incarcerated and children, welfare and wellbeing of families, re-integration of prisoners in society and still building, sports and music for a therapeutic value and a positive mind-set, re-entry into society, to be a synodic church of brothers and sisters of the periphery. Jesus words “I was in prison and you visited me” (Mt 25:36), gave special impetus to prison ministry. Pope Francis in Rome visits prisoners, washing the feet of prisoners on Maundy Thursday, kissing the feet of those in captivity and asking them to pray for him. Visiting prisoners both inside and outside prisons and transforming the lives of brothers and sisters is meaningful witness to the values of Jesus Christ.
Benedictory Address
Most Rev Gerald Almeida, president JPD commission of CBCI, spoke about the 26 boys who were arrested for illegal cutting of trees, and punished for 14 years. We need legal knowledge and effort is required to release innocent prisoners. He spoke of a law college for tribals meant to get justice for them. We should be people of action, be proactive, and be an active member of Prison Ministry. Most Rev Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairman said that we need to change our attitude towards prisoners’ and not be judgemental. The Catholic Bishops Conference of India in 2000 declared the Second Sunday of August as Prison Ministry Sunday. All glory is to God.
Holy Father’s Message
Fr Maverick Fernandes, Caritas Director of Goa readout the message of Holy Father Pope Francis. In his message Pope Francis sated that in a context in which incarcerated persons frequently experience indifference and rejection he is grateful for the witness of the PMI volunteers who care for the spiritual and material well-being and dignity of our brothers and sisters with equity, compassion and fraternal solidarity; for to serve those in prison is to serve Jesus himself. His Holiness hopes that this conference will renew the zeal of all involve in prison ministry to work for the rehabilitation of the imprisoned as well as for their eventual reintegration into society.
Prize Distribution
His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao distributed prizes awarded to winners of the preparatory competition for the PMI national convention. Mr Joy, Delhi, received prizes on behalf of Vijay Kumar and Julia. Mr. Sondal, Bhopal, on behalf of Mr Raj and Mr David Fernandes, Goa, on behalf of Mr Patel, Ms Dianna and Ms Mariama who bagged the prizes.
Apostolic Nucio’s Message
Fr. Wilfred V. Fernandes, Central Regional Coordinator & Maharashtra State Coordinator read out the message of Most Rev Leopoldo Girelli, the apostolic nuncio for India and Nepal. He stated that PMI has chosen a very appropriate theme for this event, namely, Reform to Reintegrate, which focuses on the rehabilitation of the prisoners, by reforming them and also helping them to reintegrate themselves in society. The Doha Declaration which was made at the conclusion of the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Doha in April 2015, highlighted the usefulness of supporting the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners into the community. Pope Francis in his Address to participants at an international meeting for regional and national chaplains responsible for prison pastoral care, expressed that "the situation in prisons continues to be a reflection of our social reality and a consequence of our selfishness and indifference summarized in a throwaway culture. True social integration begins by guaranteeing opportunities for development, education, decent work, access to health, as well as generating public spaces for civic participation. Today, in particular, our societies are called to overcome the stigmatization of those who have made a mistake" (Pope Francis, 8 November 2019). He was glad to learn that Prison Ministry India has launched more than 25 rehabilitation centres and homes for prisoners' children in India and also many projects for the reintegration of prisoners, such as prisoners' releasing schemes, employment schemes for released prisoners, and hostels for prisoners' children. He acknowledged the zeal and dedication of the 8,000 Prison Ministry of India volunteers, comprising of bishops, priests, consecrated persons and lay faithful, who visit the 1,350 prisons in India, and are working for the release and rehabilitation of prisoners, as well as their reintegration in society.
Book Release
The book Prison Voice written by Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS was released by his Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao by giving a copy to Fr Varghese Karippery. Holy Warriors in Prisons written by Sr Lini Sheeja MSC was released by Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva by giving a copy to Sr Amala DC. PMI Special Task Forces written by Fr Dominic Puthenpurackal MST was released by Most Rev Gerald Almeida by giving a copy to Fr. Martin Thattil, PMI South Regional Coordinator. Most Rev Peter Remigius released the PMI 2023 calendar by giving a copy to Sr. Amala DC, PMI National Secretary.
Fr Varghese Karippery, PMI cofounder, Fr Martin Thattil, PMI South regional coordinator, Fr Sebastian Theckanath, PMI Former National Coordinator, Sr Jobina UFS, PMI North East regional coordinator felicitated and wished God’s abundant blessings to PMI in the coming years.
Vote of Thanks
Mr David Fernandes, PMI Goa State Coordinator delivered the vote of thanks. With the concluding prayer of Sr Amala DC the inaugural session came to an end. A photo session covering delegates from the Indian states represented by Prison Ministry India followed thereafter.
Session 1: Reach-out to Release
Mr Antony Marshall, Indore Diocese, a PMI volunteer spoke of the work he carried out in jail. 800 people had graduated in the jail, opened a library in jail and had organized a special program by inviting a spiritual leader for moral guidance.
Rowena Louis welcomed Sr Adele SCCG, PMI National Executive Member to voice her views on the topic Reach-out to Release. As a child, she had received a call to carry the light to people who live in darkness. At first confused, but later through a prison visit with her retreat students, understood the meaning of darkness and what it meant to be released from bondages, anger and hatred (Heb 12:16). Jer 29:11 says, “I know the plans, I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. 8R – Reachout, release, repent, reconcile, reform, rehabilitate, reintegrate and redeem - is the pathway to brethren behind the bars, a call to release prisoners. PMI is a call to carry the light of Christ to people living in darkness. Mt 18:14 says it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost. “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb 4:12). “Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb 12:14).
Session 2: Reformation and Rehabilitation
Fr. Alexander Kureekkattil CMF, PMI former Kerala State coordinator expressed his views on Reform to Rehabilitate. He visited 46 prisons. As a man on fire, he spreads his fire wherever he goes, has turned himself into fire for PMI. It is through brokenness that Jesus shed his life for sinners (Jn 1:29). ‘Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn 7:37). Let anyone who is thirsty come to me.
Group Discussion
Fr Francis Kodiyan gave instructions for the group discussion and introduced the theme to be discussed. The group discussion that followed brought in insights, inspirations, innovations, for PMI Golden Jubilee. The delegates were divided into 9 groups. Each group appointed a President and Secretary to report on the deliberations. Most Rev. Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairperson was the moderator of the session to present the group discussion reports.
Session 3: Reintegration and Redemption
Sr. Inigo Joachim SSA, former superior general of St Anne’s Chennai, spoke on Reintegrate to Redeem from the Biblical Perspective. What motivated me to join PMI? Passion for the Word of God, Sr. Carmelita, General, visited prisons and the IAS Officer, Kiran Bedi, because of her prison reform she was attracted to the NGO. PMI is a biblical, moral, ethical, human & spiritual ministry. All Popes have taken keen interest in prisoners. Jesus’ mission statement: Isaiah 61:1, The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. Matthew 25:36 says, I needed clothes, you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in Prison and you came to visit me. Jesus is the founder of Prison Ministry. What is a prison: Genesis 39: A place for Reformation, Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Redemption. “He who opens a school door, closes a prison” Victor Hugo Who is a prisoner? Galatians 3:22 says, mankind are prisoners of sin. Some are caught and I’m not.
What do we do in prison? Why? Matthew 25:36 says, I needed clothes you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in Prison and you came to visit me. Hebrews 13:3 points out, “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them; and those who are mistreated, as if you yourselves were suffering. What is Spirituality? It is sensitivity, solidarity, service and sustainability. “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. “A nation should not be known by how it treats its highest citizens but its lowest ones” Nelson Mandela. Joshua 1:9 says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Psalm 68: Let us give Praise and Thanksgiving. It was indeed a knowledge-giving session to bring out zeal in the lives of ex-prisoners’ for living their lives once again to the fullest.
Kanthamal Prisoners
Mr Anto Akkara, freelance journalist spoke on the amazing story of releasing Kanthamal prisoners and its aftere-ffects that left marks of distress, disturbances, and deprivation of peace and harmony. Prayer is important. Proclamation of the gospel gives me no ground for boasting, for it is an obligation laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel! A real stimulating and engaging session on changing lives, a pursuit for passion.
Eucharistic Adoration
Fr Pious D’Souza from Shimoga led the Eucharistic Adoration. The day ended with a cultural program conducted by Grace Notes, Salegaon Church, Goenchi Lara – We Are the World, Deanery Song Heh Vita, joined by the Calangute Akando Band which brought out the charismatic approach of the PMI Goa. PMI North East region conducted the night prayer.
Day 3: Thursday, Nov.17-2022:
Theme – Reform to Rehabilitate
“Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them, those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured” (Heb 13,3)
We Pray for Death Row Prisoners and Abolition of Capital Punishment
Holy Mass
PMI Odisha conducted the Morning Prayer. PMI Telangana prepared for the Mass. Most Rev Peter Remigius, former PMI chairman was the main celebrant. He prayed in a special way for death row prisoners and abolition of capital punishment.
Keynote addresses
Sr Lucy Kurian, foundress of Maher, spoke on Rehabilitation and Re-integration. H.O.P.E: Human Organisation for Pioneering Engineering. Since 1995 Maher - the Mother Home, has established homes in all Indian States. Maher has set-up 65 homes for the homeless, cared for the education of the girl child especially educating the family, opened special kitchen, cooking food for migrant workers during covid-19, offering food packets and food grains to 30,000-40,000 jobless people. The Divine Lord was there to protect and none got Covid-19. Truly believe in divine energy. We were open for released prisoners. 188 marriages took place in Maher. Maher finds partners for orphans. Need people with commitment to live for people. It takes courage to answer a call. She has shared her life experience in Pune and all over the country.
Rev Dr Anil Joel Prasad, Karnataka Regional Director for Pastoral Plan on Prisoners’ Integral Human Development: Post Pandemic Scenario, explained how our ministry should be. Every miracle in the Bible has one thing in common: Problem. We need to think and walk. Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, three things to note: Walk with Me to enjoy His presence; Work with me, accept the partnership; Watch Me and follow my example. The time is not in the duration but in the donation. How effective are you? We need 3 keys: caring about others, daring for and sharing with others, John 10:10. We only have what we give. Nothing can defeat love and hope. If there is no opposition, there is no mission.
Session 4: PMI Dynamics – Panel Discussion
Sr Theresa Mascarenhas, PMI Karnataka State coordinator was the moderator of the session.
PMI Seminary Units
Fr. Jose Valiamangalam MST, coordinator for PMI Seminary Units – PMI Units of Major Seminaries said, Why Am I Here? God has a plan for each one. There are 55 major seminaries in India. In Kerala alone there are 7 major seminaries, who visit jail inmates, families, children and rehabilitation centres and are involved in rehabilitation work. With Prayer as the Power House, they conduct weekly prayer and fast for conversion of the brothers and sisters behind the bars and conduct computer classes so on and so forth.
Repatriation of Prisoners
Mr Jesu Raja, PMI Tamilnadu, Secretary – Prisoners’ Repatriation said that it is a call within a call. For repatriation of foreigners a valid passport is essential. A release court order and letter from the prison authorities is handed over to the NGO. Once this is done, a request letter from the inmate requesting for help, the Government Order for Deportation and Intimation to the Embassy is required to complete the procedure. As on March 2022 there are 4926 foreign prisoners’, of whom 1140 are convicts. Bangladesh has 1630, Nigeria 615, 1295 in West Bengal, 400 in Delhi, 380 in Maharashtra and others.
Homes for Prisoners’ Children
Sr. Anjali SSA, Premodaya, Bangalore – PMI Homes: Prisoners’ Children said that the home was started in 2001 and it primarily works for human development, provides food, clothing, shelter, education and skill development to prisoners’ children and follow Christian values. Besides, yoga and extra-curricular activities opportunities are given to visit parents. More than 100 students have passed out. A proper time table is followed and daily prayer is a part of daily routine. The rights of children are upheld.
PMI Units
Br. Sunnilal MMB, PMI MP Coordinator on PMI Unit Level Ministries said that every little change can make a difference in the community. 9.30-10.00 p.m. regular prayer meetings held. The unit meeting is held once a month. Extensive work activities viz., house visits, cricket match, celebration of national holidays, conducting skill development and awareness programmes, a set-up a library, medical camps, talks on health and hygiene, competitions, yoga and on-going computer classes, drama, legal ministry, and organic farming are some of the works carried out.
PMI Rehabilitation Centres
Sr Clara HCM, Jeevodaya Superior – PMI Rehabilitation Centres, said that along with Fr. Varghese Karippery and Sr. Fedilis, they started from a humble beginning in a farmhouse-cow shed. The need of the time is to work for the will of God, faithful to our calling. Praying on the sand packet brought from the prison got them permission to visit prison and thereafter the rehabilitation home. God works in numerous ways.
Legal Service Cells
Ms. Caroline Collasso spoke on Legal Aid Cells: She categorically stated that every prisoner has the right to choose his lawyer and as per Article 14 & 21, the right to be represented by law by a lawyer free of charge as outlined in the 1987 act. The State Legal Service is bound to give awareness programmes free on women’s day and national days. The Para legal volunteers need not have legal background and be abreast with learning the basic laws of prisoners.
Cafasso Squad
Fr Leo spoke on Cafasso Squad. The Cafasso Squad is for youth who are interested in Prison Ministry. Any youth who can commit 2 hours every week or at least twice in a month can join. The youth will have to teach teenagers/children in the Observation Home. The Cafasso Squad is named after St Joseph Caffaso and works in collaboration with Prison Ministry India.
Q&A Open to the Floor
The views expressed and explored on this platform by the resource persons
and presenters made the audience rethink ideas which we cling on to in our
day to day life. All the resource persons conducted very engaging and fruitful sessions.
PMI Inner Dynamics
Panel Discussion
Most Rev Peter Remigius, PMI Former Chairperson was the moderator of the session.
PMI Spirituality
Fr. Wilfred V. Fernandes, PMI Central Regional Coordinator on PMI Spirituality said that PMI volunteers are not social workers. We are called to be witnesses of sharing God’s love, mercy and compassion to our brethren behind the bars. PMI volunteers should offer hope, share God’s love to overcome guilt, shame and rejection. Life of prayer is important and must meet God daily in the Holy Eucharist which is the summit of our life. Therefore, offer daily Mass for the incarcerated, families and victims, intercessory prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet, works of mercy, Novenas. God’s mercy is bigger than any mistake that has been made. Adopt Prisoners’ Rosary: i) Jesus is arrested, ii) accused, iii) tried by Pilate, iv) sentenced to death, v) Jesus accepts thieves to paradise.
PMI Intercessory Prayer
Sr. Shanti FC, PMI Intercessory Prayer Coordinator said that Holy Mass for Prisoners’ Renewal is the source and summit. Incessant Intercessory Invocation for the incarcerated 24x365 intercessory Eucharistic Adoration to renew prisoners worldwide, Rosary Campaign for the Renewal of Prisoners Worldwide, Chain Fasting for the Prisoners’ Renewal. There are 1306 prisons in India, therefore, adopt 3 prisons to pray, fast and visit.
PMI Special Task Forces
Fr. Michael Francis, PMI Special Task Force Coordinator – PMI Special Task Forces said that STF in PMI has a special goal to pray. The Parable of the Sower Luke 8.8: Some seed fell on good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold. As he said this, he called out, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen”. There are 40 STF’s and if you receive God’s call, please join!
PMI Basic Principles
Mr Ashok Kumar, PMI Vijayawada Unit Coordinator – PMI Basic Principles: He highlighted the 8- fold path for prisoners’ reformation. The principles come from the Word of God empowered by the Holy Spirit. PMI volunteers follow the God of boldness and that ‘You are not alone’ - God is always there with you. He ended with the PMI Vision, Mission, Divine Providence Experience, Inconvenience is our Convenience and begging makes us humble and none is beyond reformation.
PMI Projects
Fr. Antony O de M – PMI Projects Coordinator – the PMI Projects among others mentioned Homes for Prisoners’ Children, 50 Houses for Released Prisoners’, PMI Rehabilitation Centres and Homes for the Human Trafficked.
Q&A Open to the Floor
Honouring Full Timers: Sr. Fulmani explained that the way forward is to pay daily visits to prisoners’, families and children and by maintaining good relationship with Govt. officers and approach through the Home Ministry.
Fr. Arokiaswamy said that he has written to the Hon. Narendara Modi, Prime Minister, and awaits his response on the reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners’.
PMI Regional Meetings
PMI regional meetings were held in which State reports and accounts were presented and passed. Fr Jesu Amirtham, PMI UP State Coordinator, was the moderator of the reporting meeting of the regional coordinators.
Fr. Martin Thattil, PMI South Regional Coordinator (Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Ponducherry). Permission was granted to visit only a few jails. PMI have built a rapport with the Jail Superintendent and other officials. Seminarians are also involved. Conduct Seminars, visit juvenile homes, skill development programs, family visits, educational help, construction of houses, marriages, releasing of prisoners are some of the activities held, and also supporting the PMI National Office. The general permission is not granted in Karnataka and Kerala. In 2023 intend to strengthen PMI at the grass root, parish level.
Fr. George Peter Kachirayil MST, PMI North Regional Coordinator (Delhi & Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir-Ladakh, Punjab, Rajashthan, U.P. & Jharkhand). Fr. Jose Thamipara, UP Coordinator said that spiritual counselling, prayer, meditation and yoga are held, celebration of Mahila Diwas, celebration of national festivals is a regular feature, many got themselves registered for education from GNU, computer education is provided; there are around 15 priests and religious advocates, family visits and counselling, job orientation programs are conducted; 250 inmates bailed out with the help of families and 40 classes conducted. Fr. Jesus Amritam got an award for his valuable contribution to the Ministry.
Sr. Jobina UFS, PMI North East Regional Coordinator (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura). Since 2018, it is a registered society. Visiting of jails is held on a regular basis. Skill training, soap making, crime free awareness programmes, motivational and inspirational programs, medical camps, animation programs, providing library books, celebration of national festivals and snacks distributed, constructed volley ball court for prisoners’ and competitions held, provided financial aid for HIV patients, Prison Ministry Sunday is celebrated with great fervour. During Covid provided soup, vitamin tablets etc. There is a lack of committed volunteers and there is a difficulty to reach prisons due to the distance in travel.
Fr. Wilfred V. Fernandes, PMI Central Regional Coordinator (Maharashtra, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Goa-Daman-Diu, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal-Sikkim-and Nicobar Islands). Motivation program was held for volunteers. In-house computer classes, awareness programs for school children, personality development, prison kitchen, bakery and radio station set-up, intercessory prayer held, free legal aid, vocational training, skill development-carpentry, celebrated national festivals and cultural programs held, educational relief, state/diocesan level conferences held, drawing competitions, provided TVs for inmates, medical camps, yoga classes, distant education programs, contributed to release of prisoners, acquitted lady inmates and provided employment, daily Mass offered during Covid for prisoners’, families, victims and volunteers are some of the activities held. It has a healing Ministry. Prison Ministry Sunday is celebrated with great enthusiasm.
PMI General Body Meeting
The PMI General Body meeting began with a prayer. Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva PMI Chairperson presided over the meeting. Sr Amala DC, PMI national secretary read out the report. Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS the PMI National coordinator presented the activity report. Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva raised the topic of the next national convention. It was decided to convene it in Kerala in PMI South Region.
Session 6: Prisoners’ Reformation and Reintegration: Legal Perspective
Dr. Antony Sebastian O,Pream, Adv. Former Chairperson KSCPCR, Founder Director ECHO Centre for Juvenile Justice, Bangalore. – Reformation and Reintegration.
Children in conflict with law: An approach in dealing with children in conflict with law-Juvenile Justice Act Section 8. The guiding principle in dealing with conflict with law is by adopting of JJ Act 2015.
Understanding Juvenile Crimes and Causes
(majority of crimes are committed between the age groups 17-18
-Rehabilitation of children in conflict with law
- Prevention is better than cure
– Preventative Programmes
- Juvenile Child Mapping: Community level intervention for Rehabilitation
- Community Based Rehabilitation Home :
-Rehabilitation starts at Special Homes I Activities at Special Homes
-Innovative Experiment: Washing the feet of parents and Parents feeding the children.
-Programmes from street to street
-Hotel Management Programme for children in difficult circumstances
-Break the chain of poverty
-Group Foster Care Homes
-Exchange Programme
Eucharistic Adoration
Fr Pious D’Souza conducted the Eucharistic Adoration.
State-wise Cultural Program
Fr Dion Isaac was the coordinator of the program. A coming-together in love and friendship, showcasing the talents, created a friendly air of sorts. Amongst all the excitement and cheering, the states that conducted the cultural delights got them a thunderous round of applause. Well done! PMI Andhra conducted the night prayers.
Day 4: Friday, November 18, 2022
Theme – Reintegrate to Redeem
“Today you will be with me in paradise” Lk 23,43
We pray for the redemption of prisoners and PMI volunteers
PMI Jharkhand, organized the morning prayer. The winners for state-wise cultural program were announced: 1st Prize: Kerala State, 2nd Prize: North East –Mizoram and the 3rd Prize: Karnataka State-Bangalore.
Keynote Address
Adv Ravi Varma, Former Advocate General, Karnataka – Human & Prisoners’ Rights
A renowned social justice activist, working for the cause of Dalits and farmers said that inmate faith in human beings can change. Human Rights of Prisoners: Brethren behind Bars (BBB)-illegally arrested persons : In 1968 the United Nations drafted as Human Rights. The Indian Court has adopted as fundamental right - Article 32 states to move the Supreme Court by an ordinary petition. Awareness is Empowerment: Rights of Prisoners as recognized under Prisons Act 1994 - Acts under the Constitution of India 14,15, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 39A and Prisoners’ Act 1984, 1990. It is better to go through the prison manuals to understand what is legitimately proper and find out the prison reforms in India viz 1949 Pakwana Committee, Mulla Committee 1980, 2000 Model Prison Manual Committee, and V.R. Krishna 1986 - Women Prisons. Every undertrial prisoner can avail speedy justice under Article 2, a fundamental right. Amrita Committee on overcrowding of jails - prepare a dossier on overcrowding and file a petition Habeas Corpus. PIL could be done. Children born to sex workers - petition the Govt. on Justice V.R. Krishna Article 32 under the Supreme Court and present it to the Chief Justice of India (uphold right of women, same as sex partners). Malicious Prosecution (recover compensation including loss of freedom). Article 22: Fundamental Right. Released prisoner taken back to prison due to exposition of their own faults. PMI volunteers can petition to Dr. Y. Chandra Chur, Chief Justice of India.
Reformation Testimonies
Babu, Jolly & Nimmy – Reformed Lives. Recreation of new minds
Babu had never experienced love except through the concern of PMI volunteers (James 5:19-20). It was after Fr. George touched his feet, Babu accepted to follow Jesus. Under difficult circumstances, he was transformed to Jesus Babu. This news will be conveyed to his comrades to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Voice of CRI
Sr Elsa Muttahu PBVM, CRI National Secretary spoke on behalf of Conference of Religious India. There are 1302 religious congregations in India. She raised the question, how to motivate various superiors to collaborate to take the message of Christ to all? Each congregation has to rehabilitate people coming out of prison. “No place, but them on my cot, under my cot, in my washroom” – Don Bosco. Sr Inigo responded, house them put them in schools/institutions. Every congregation shall provide a building for this purpose.
Honouring Volunteers
Certificates were awarded to all those who have completed 20 plus years in Prison Ministry India.
Fr Maverick Fernandes, Director of Caritas, Goa proposed a vote of thanks, an apt conclusion with specific summing of the conference and acknowledgement of the efforts of the whole Prison Ministry India team. Prison Ministry India has achieved much in the past few years and there is nothing to stop it from moving forward.
Mission Statement
Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI National Coordinator – Mission Statement & Dreams for PMI Golden Jubilee. Fr. Francis gave a short background of Prison Ministry India. He brought out the mission statement that dwelt upon the need for organized engagements. He mentioned about the challenges in prisons, proposals made to the Govt., fundamental rights, namely: religious, moral, educational; right to vote, recommendations to Govt., recommendations to the Catholic Church, Pope Francis request to launch homes, Caritas: Care for Prisoners, and taking on the recommendations of the Synod. Fr. Francis highlighted the Golden Jubilee Dreams: Reawakening Dreams, PMI Burning Bush Spiritual Banquet on every first Saturday of the month from 06.00-08.00 p.m., Incessant Intercessory Invocation for the Incarcerated, Homes for Prisoners’ Children, 5000 Scholarships for Prisoners’ Children, 500 Prisoners’ Release, Experiences: Record and write books and articles; 50 Special Task Forces, 50 Houses for Released Prisoners, 500 Jobs for Released Prisoners, PMI Legal Clinics, 10 more Rehabilitation Centres, 10 more Homes for the Human Trafficked girls and boys, Provision for 5000 Prisoners’ Families, Medical Care for 5000 Prisoners’ Families, and having 5000 PMI Volunteers.
Thanksgiving Holy Mass
Most Rev. Allwyn D’Silva, PMI Chairperson, was the main celebrant of the Holy Mass. He specially prayed for the redemption of prisoners and PMI volunteers. He invited PMI volunteers to listen to the cries and groans of prisoners. Commit yourselves and be inspired by the Gospel to work in the periphery with a deeper commitment. The 3 kings after worshipping Jesus went a different way. Similarly, inspired by the Gospel, we are sure to go a different way. He thanked all PMI volunteers for their hope, courage and determination. Bishop Allwyn requested the delegates to read the book on the synod: we are journeying together, working together. In the evening an outing, a boat cruise was organized by the convention team.
Day 5: Saturday, November 19, 2022
Theme: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
“There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance” (Lk 15,7)
We pray for Worldwide Prison Ministry Volunteers
Holy Mass
PMI Chhattisgarh conducted the Morning Prayer. Fr. Dion Isaac was the main celebrant.
At 9am all were ready to go for sightseeing. The buses took the participants to various churches such as Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Se Cathedral, the largest Church in Goa dedicated to St. Catherine, Our Lady of Pilar Church, and finally the Basilica of Bom Jesus where the remains of St Francis Xavier are kept.
Return and Departure
The four-day national conference of Prison Ministry India offered opportunities to participants to interact with resource persons, activists, experts, who covered topics around the issues of Reformation and Reintegration. The four days comprised of incisive and insightful discussions on various topics of reformation, rehabilitation, reintegration and redemption of prisoners. Praising and thanking God, the participants departed to their homes. Ad majorem Dei Gloriam.