On 22 December 2019, Sr Adele Korah, Sr Rose Alexander, Sr Lini Sheeja MSC and Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS went to Aradhanankunju at Carmelaram, Bengaluru, a contemplative community who have perpetual Eucharistic adoration. After spending many hours in Eucharistic contemplation and adoration, they launched the PMI Special Task Force Angels Ministry.
PMI Special Task Forces
Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS
Duc in Altum
Duc in Altum is a phrase used by Jesus in Luke 5:4 where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “launch into the deep” or “put out into deep water”. The conception of Prison Ministry India (PMI) took place on 8th December 1981 at St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam, India. As the Ruby Jubilee of PMI is at hand, it is the right time to launch into the deep as Jesus said to Peter. Therefore, we put our nets into deep waters by penetrating into the high security prisons to catch big sharks and whales such as terrorists, serial killers, mafia dons, death row prisoners, and so on. Following Jesus who came to seek and save the lost, PMI launches new nets for these hardcore convicts by introducing special task force angels, inspired by the words of St Paul: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens” (Phil 4,13).
Special Task Forces
We are familiar with the special task forces of the superpowers. For instance, USA’s - Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team (FAST), US Navy Seals, US Navy Development Group (DEVGRU), the Germany’s Special Services Group (SSG9), Spain’s Unidad de Operaciones Especiales (UOE), Russia’s the Alpha Group, France’s National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN), Israel’s Sayeret Matkal, the British Special Air Service known as the SAS, and India’s Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA). What is common in these special operation forces is their rigorous training, precision in reaching out their targets and perfection in realizing their goals. PMI dreams of such special task forces to regain the staunch lost sheep dwelling in unapproachable high security prisons. PMI, who has so far been serving prisoners such as the innocents, infants, first offenders, under trials, robbers, rapists, murderers and so on now puts its net to deep waters through introducing the special task forces for a bigger catch of terrorists, mafia dons, death row prisoners, serial killers, and habituals.
On 12 December 2019, I was waiting at the inner gate of Tihar Prison number 5 to celebrate Christmas with the prisoners. While I was waiting in prayer, a police bus came near to us and many police personnel came out of it together with some prisoners chained on their legs, hands and waist. I felt frightened. But soon I understood that they were some hardcore criminals like terrorists or serial killers and within me there sprout the powerful message “PMI is called to seek and save them too”.
On 22 December 2019, Sr Adele Korah, Sr Rose Alexander, Sr Lini Sheeja MSC and Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS went to Aradhanankunju at Carmelaram, Bengaluru, a contemplative community who have perpetual Eucharistic adoration. After spending many hours in Eucharistic contemplation and adoration, they launched the PMI Special Task Force Angels Ministry.
St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897), patroness of this mission, at the age of 14, became a commando of this mission by offering Holy Mass and mortifications for the repentance of Henri Pranzini, a hardcore triple murderer. This unrepentant convict thanks to St Theresa’s prayer and sacrifices, at the last moment of his death approached the priest who was PMI Special Task Forces 10 carrying the crucifix, took hold of the cross and kissed the wounds of Jesus three times, repented, and shed tears while embracing his capital punishment.
Death Row Commandoes (DRC)
According to the National Crime Research Bureau 2019 statistics there are 400 people who are condemned to death in Indian prisons. There are more than 2500 condemned to death prisoners in the USA. All over the world, there are more than 20000 death row prisoners. PMI has a great role to play in their reformation and redemption. With this intention PMI launched a new mission called DRC – Death Row Commandoes. Their duty is to pray and fast for the reformation of those living in death rows. The most important spiritual weapon for this mission is the Holy Mass – the offering of the Body and blood of Jesus for their transformation. Eucharistic adoration and voluntary sacrifices will be greatly beneficial to this mission. In the course of time we will seek the possibilities to personally visit and counsel them. St Therese of Lisieux, patron of this mission, was such a commando who by offering Holy Mass and mortifications led to the repentance of Pranzini, a hardcore triple murderer. If you are ready to be part of this mission, please let us know. To begin with, please visit your neighboring contemplative communities and invite them to pray for this intention. “The Lord looked down from his holy height, from heaven the Lord looked at the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners, to set free those who were doomed to die” (Ps 102, 19). “Let the groans of the prisoners come before thee, according to thy great power preserve those doomed to die” (Ps 79, 11).
Terrorists Saving Squad (TSS)
The number of terrorists and terrorist groups are on rapid growth. Every day there emerge new terrorist groups. We are familiar with Islamic State, Al-Qaida, Boko Haram, Taliban and so on who do heinous crimes by Reformative Explorations PMI Special Task Forces 11 killing innocents and raping women and demolishing Christian monuments and cities. What is more alarming is that there has always been a long queue of youngsters to follow suit. PMI has a vital role to play in their salvation. We thought of forming a new squad – Terrorists Saving Squad (TSS) for their transformation and salvation. You are most welcome to join in this squad. As an initial step, please visit your nearby perpetual adoration centers and retreat centers and speak to them regarding this new PMI mission and ask them to offer their adoration and prayers for this intention. “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit; in which he went and preached to the spirits in prison (1Pt 3: 18-19). “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me” (Ps 51: 10). “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” ( Jam 4:7).
Mafia Redeemers (MR)
There are innumerable mafia gangs who do smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking, hawala, money laundering, and all sorts of illegal atrocities. Jesus called us to be members of PMI to work for their spiritual transformation and salvation. PMI would like to form a special taskforce known as Mafia Redeemers to work on the transformation of mafia group. If you are interested to be part of this mission, please let me know. Please visit the nearby formation houses such as minor seminaries, major seminaries, novitiate houses, institutes for aspirants and postulants and invite them to offer their spiritual exercises for this intention. “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry” (Col 3: 5). “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you would” (Gal 5: 16-17). “Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph 4: 22-24).
Antihuman Trafficking Brigadiers (ATB)
Human Trafficking, the second largest criminal enterprise in the world, is the most barbaric crime and the postmodern slavery. Studies reveal that more than 40 million people are victims of human trafficking. Pope Francis has been giving enormous importance to the plight of millions of men, women and children who are trafficked and enslaved. On 20 January 2019 during his weekly Angelus Prayer at St Peter’s Square Pope Francis invited the faithful to pray for those responsible for human trafficking and its victims. PMI is committed to liberate the victims of human trafficking and launches a new battalion of Antihuman Trafficking Brigadiers who in collaboration with other agencies will be committed to search, serve and save human trafficked victims.
“I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12: 2). “See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Mat 18: 10). “I have made a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. Again, though I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ yet if he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right, if the wicked restores the pledge, gives back what he has taken by robbery, and walks in the statutes of life, committing no Reformative Explorations 13 iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. None of the sins that he has committed shall be remembered against him; he has done what is lawful and right, he shall surely live” (Ezk 33: 7 & 14-16).
Serial Killers Reformers (SKR)
Serial killers are typically persons who murder three or more people due to abnormal psychological drives, often sexual gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them. Dr Harold Shipman (1946–2004), a British doctor, is the most prolific serial killer in modern history, who killed more than 250 people. He hung himself in his cell in 2004, a day before his 58th birthday. Watch the blockbuster movie Se7en about a serial murderer who contrives to kill his victims in accordance with the seven deadly sins (lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, pride, anger, and envy) or watch Oscar-winning thriller Silence of the Lambs. At any time, a serial killer can emerge amidst us. Let us be prepared to reform and regain them through our prayer and fasting for nothing is impossible for Jesus. “For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world, awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ” (Tit 2: 11-13). “There are six things which the Lord hates, seven which are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood” (Prov 6: 16-17).
Habitual Saving Squadron (HSS)
A large number of prisoners are called habituals. They are thieves, rapists, pedophiles who are addicted to these crimes and who continue to do the same and come back again and again to the prison. They are known as “Once in a prison, always in a prison” and are the toughest people to be reformed. Jesus on the cross reformed and redeemed a habitual prisoner, the good thief. “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk 23:43). Anchoring on Jesus’ last-minute saving action PMI launched Habituals’ Saving Squadron (HSS) to redeem them. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (1Cor 10: 13). “I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you, I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness” (Is 42: 7). “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness” (Gal 6:1). “Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Eph 6:18).
Hired-killers Liberating Squadron (HLS)
Sushil, Amit, Sunil, and Ramesh had allegedly received around Rs 4 crore - Rs 1 crore each - for the murder of a gangster and his two aides by his rival. It was a high-profile contract killing planned by the gangster’s rival. Hired or Contract killing is a form of murder in which one party hires another party, often called a hit-man to kill a targeted person or multiple people. It involves an illegal agreement between two or more parties in which one party agrees to kill the target in exchange for some form of payment, monetary or otherwise. The total number of US murders in 2010 was 12,996. If we assume 3.2 percent of these crimes were committed on a commercial basis, we get 416 contract hits. That sounds like a lot. A recent study on contract killings in Australia, states that over a three-year period, there were 69 contract killings and 94 attempted killings. PMI formed a squadron called Hired-killers Liberating Squadron (HLS) to liberate and redeem those entangled in contract killings.
Antidrug Trafficking Warriors (ATW)
Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. Drug trafficking which ravishes communities, endangers businesses, strains government institutions, and drags down the wider economy, has become a huge business, bringing in a fifth of all profits from organized crime. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s World Drug Report 2005 estimates the size of the global illicit drug market at US$321.6 billion in 2003 alone. Consumption of illegal drugs is widespread globally and it remains exceedingly difficult for local authorities to thwart its popularity. There is a good number of prisoners related to drug trafficking in major central prisons of metropolitan cities. Therefore, PMI formed Drug-traffickers Redeeming Wing (DRW) to liberate and redeem those involved in drug trafficking.
Prisoners’ Releasing Team (PRT)
PMI has a team to work for the release of prisoners. With the assistance from PMI advocates we release many prisoners by paying their security fine. Every year PMI spends lakhs of money for releasing prisoners under the leadership of Sr Adele Korah in Bangalore and Me Antony Jacob in Pune. In almost all central prisons we have PMI volunteers to take care of those prisoners who have no money and nobody to release them.
Prisoners’ Children Educators (PCE)
PMI has a crew to take care of the education of prisoners’ children. Besides the Kolbe Home where we give free accommodation and education to prisoners’ children, we help educational scholarships to more than 100 children of prisoners. We visit their homes and help them to provide their school or college fees.
Purgatory Souls Redeemers (PSR)
Purgatory, the condition, process, or place of purification or temporary punishment in which the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven. “A soul stained by sin cannot present itself to God”, Says Pope Benedict XVI. “They begged him that this sin might be completely blotted out. Then, Judas, that great man, urged the people to keep away from sin, because they had seen for themselves what had happened to those men who had sinned. He also took up a collection from all his men, totaling about four pounds of silver, and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. Judas did this noble thing because he believed in the resurrection of the dead. If he had not believed that the dead would be raised, it would have been foolish and useless to pray for them” (2 Macc 12:42-44). “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved – even though only as one escaping through the flames” (1 Cor 3:11-15).
The people in hell and in heaven do not need our payers, but the people in purgatory need. The writings of the Church Fathers teach us about the value of praying for the dead and doing good deeds for the souls in purgatory. PMI volunteers are chosen by God for a noble cause to be a love bomb, “Be a love bomb, let it be exploded, not to kill but to heal the broken hearted”. They are chosen to be a love bomb, after being chosen each one of us, Jesus looked up to heaven and gave thanks to God. Jesus is grateful for our humble service and for living His ever-living words where He says, “I was in prison, you visited me” (Mt 25:36). We surrender and offer up all our brokenness, the little sufferings that come on our way for the sanctification of all the souls in purgatory. The final act of Jesus was ‘He gave to them’. Jesus took bread, gave thanks, and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me” (Lk 22:19). Remember, that our call to PMI is a pure gift of God. The same God who called me called the other PMI volunteers to render our services in all the ways that we can. The call of PMI volunteers goes further in redeeming souls from purgatory.
Foreign Prisoners’ Expatriation (FPE)
There are more than 5000 foreign prisoners in Indian prisons and a good number of Indian citizens are languished in foreign prisons. PMI Foreign Prisoners’ Expatriation team works for the expatriation of foreign prisoners in Indian prisons and bring back home Indian citizens from the prisons of foreign countries.
Reformation Warfare
Transformation of death-row prisoners, terrorists, mafia tycoons, human traffickers, serial killers, habituals, contract killers, drug traffickers is neither an easy task nor an impossible mission. This is a spiritual warfare, a reformation warfare, a warfare between God and Satan, good and evil, virtue and sin. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Mt 19,26). To do this impossible mission we propose a 40 days program. First, select your preferred type of prisoner, that is, the prisoner in death-row or a mafia tycoon or a terrorist or terrorist group or human trafficking don, or a serial killer or a habitual.
40 Days Program
40 Holy Masses and Communion
40 Chapters of the Gospel: Luke and Mark
40 Creed
40 Rosaries
40 Divine Mercy Rosaries
40 Mortifications
4000 Glory be to the Father
4000 Thank you Jesus
We do what is possible from our part and then we ask the assistance of others especially those who lead profound spiritual life such as contemplatives, those who do perpetual adoration of the most Holy Eucharist, consecrated people, priests, seminarians, novices, aspirants, postulants, and intercessory prayer group members. The most important spiritual weapon for this mission is the Holy Mass – the offering of the Body and blood of Jesus for their transformation. Eucharistic contemplation, adoration and voluntary sacrifices will be greatly beneficial to this mission. In the course of time, we will seek the possibilities to personally visit and counsel them.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” ( Jn 3,16). Let us be part of this redeeming mission of Jesus by saving daily the lost sheep and thereby experiencing heavenly joy. “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance (Lk 16,7). PMI organizes special task forces and entrusts them to undertake the responsibilities of liberating and redeeming those who are involved in terrorism, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and other sorts of antihuman involvements and criminal activities. Let the words of St Paul to Timothy Strengthen us: “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. Therefore, I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory (2 Tim 2, 1-10).
Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS
Duc in Altum
Duc in Altum is a phrase used by Jesus in Luke 5:4 where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “launch into the deep” or “put out into deep water”. The conception of Prison Ministry India (PMI) took place on 8th December 1981 at St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam, India. As the Ruby Jubilee of PMI is at hand, it is the right time to launch into the deep as Jesus said to Peter. Therefore, we put our nets into deep waters by penetrating into the high security prisons to catch big sharks and whales such as terrorists, serial killers, mafia dons, death row prisoners, and so on. Following Jesus who came to seek and save the lost, PMI launches new nets for these hardcore convicts by introducing special task force angels, inspired by the words of St Paul: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens” (Phil 4,13).
Special Task Forces
We are familiar with the special task forces of the superpowers. For instance, USA’s - Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team (FAST), US Navy Seals, US Navy Development Group (DEVGRU), the Germany’s Special Services Group (SSG9), Spain’s Unidad de Operaciones Especiales (UOE), Russia’s the Alpha Group, France’s National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN), Israel’s Sayeret Matkal, the British Special Air Service known as the SAS, and India’s Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA). What is common in these special operation forces is their rigorous training, precision in reaching out their targets and perfection in realizing their goals. PMI dreams of such special task forces to regain the staunch lost sheep dwelling in unapproachable high security prisons. PMI, who has so far been serving prisoners such as the innocents, infants, first offenders, under trials, robbers, rapists, murderers and so on now puts its net to deep waters through introducing the special task forces for a bigger catch of terrorists, mafia dons, death row prisoners, serial killers, and habituals.
On 12 December 2019, I was waiting at the inner gate of Tihar Prison number 5 to celebrate Christmas with the prisoners. While I was waiting in prayer, a police bus came near to us and many police personnel came out of it together with some prisoners chained on their legs, hands and waist. I felt frightened. But soon I understood that they were some hardcore criminals like terrorists or serial killers and within me there sprout the powerful message “PMI is called to seek and save them too”.
On 22 December 2019, Sr Adele Korah, Sr Rose Alexander, Sr Lini Sheeja MSC and Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS went to Aradhanankunju at Carmelaram, Bengaluru, a contemplative community who have perpetual Eucharistic adoration. After spending many hours in Eucharistic contemplation and adoration, they launched the PMI Special Task Force Angels Ministry.
St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897), patroness of this mission, at the age of 14, became a commando of this mission by offering Holy Mass and mortifications for the repentance of Henri Pranzini, a hardcore triple murderer. This unrepentant convict thanks to St Theresa’s prayer and sacrifices, at the last moment of his death approached the priest who was PMI Special Task Forces 10 carrying the crucifix, took hold of the cross and kissed the wounds of Jesus three times, repented, and shed tears while embracing his capital punishment.
Death Row Commandoes (DRC)
According to the National Crime Research Bureau 2019 statistics there are 400 people who are condemned to death in Indian prisons. There are more than 2500 condemned to death prisoners in the USA. All over the world, there are more than 20000 death row prisoners. PMI has a great role to play in their reformation and redemption. With this intention PMI launched a new mission called DRC – Death Row Commandoes. Their duty is to pray and fast for the reformation of those living in death rows. The most important spiritual weapon for this mission is the Holy Mass – the offering of the Body and blood of Jesus for their transformation. Eucharistic adoration and voluntary sacrifices will be greatly beneficial to this mission. In the course of time we will seek the possibilities to personally visit and counsel them. St Therese of Lisieux, patron of this mission, was such a commando who by offering Holy Mass and mortifications led to the repentance of Pranzini, a hardcore triple murderer. If you are ready to be part of this mission, please let us know. To begin with, please visit your neighboring contemplative communities and invite them to pray for this intention. “The Lord looked down from his holy height, from heaven the Lord looked at the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners, to set free those who were doomed to die” (Ps 102, 19). “Let the groans of the prisoners come before thee, according to thy great power preserve those doomed to die” (Ps 79, 11).
Terrorists Saving Squad (TSS)
The number of terrorists and terrorist groups are on rapid growth. Every day there emerge new terrorist groups. We are familiar with Islamic State, Al-Qaida, Boko Haram, Taliban and so on who do heinous crimes by Reformative Explorations PMI Special Task Forces 11 killing innocents and raping women and demolishing Christian monuments and cities. What is more alarming is that there has always been a long queue of youngsters to follow suit. PMI has a vital role to play in their salvation. We thought of forming a new squad – Terrorists Saving Squad (TSS) for their transformation and salvation. You are most welcome to join in this squad. As an initial step, please visit your nearby perpetual adoration centers and retreat centers and speak to them regarding this new PMI mission and ask them to offer their adoration and prayers for this intention. “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit; in which he went and preached to the spirits in prison (1Pt 3: 18-19). “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me” (Ps 51: 10). “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” ( Jam 4:7).
Mafia Redeemers (MR)
There are innumerable mafia gangs who do smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking, hawala, money laundering, and all sorts of illegal atrocities. Jesus called us to be members of PMI to work for their spiritual transformation and salvation. PMI would like to form a special taskforce known as Mafia Redeemers to work on the transformation of mafia group. If you are interested to be part of this mission, please let me know. Please visit the nearby formation houses such as minor seminaries, major seminaries, novitiate houses, institutes for aspirants and postulants and invite them to offer their spiritual exercises for this intention. “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry” (Col 3: 5). “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you would” (Gal 5: 16-17). “Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph 4: 22-24).
Antihuman Trafficking Brigadiers (ATB)
Human Trafficking, the second largest criminal enterprise in the world, is the most barbaric crime and the postmodern slavery. Studies reveal that more than 40 million people are victims of human trafficking. Pope Francis has been giving enormous importance to the plight of millions of men, women and children who are trafficked and enslaved. On 20 January 2019 during his weekly Angelus Prayer at St Peter’s Square Pope Francis invited the faithful to pray for those responsible for human trafficking and its victims. PMI is committed to liberate the victims of human trafficking and launches a new battalion of Antihuman Trafficking Brigadiers who in collaboration with other agencies will be committed to search, serve and save human trafficked victims.
“I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12: 2). “See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Mat 18: 10). “I have made a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. Again, though I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ yet if he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right, if the wicked restores the pledge, gives back what he has taken by robbery, and walks in the statutes of life, committing no Reformative Explorations 13 iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. None of the sins that he has committed shall be remembered against him; he has done what is lawful and right, he shall surely live” (Ezk 33: 7 & 14-16).
Serial Killers Reformers (SKR)
Serial killers are typically persons who murder three or more people due to abnormal psychological drives, often sexual gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them. Dr Harold Shipman (1946–2004), a British doctor, is the most prolific serial killer in modern history, who killed more than 250 people. He hung himself in his cell in 2004, a day before his 58th birthday. Watch the blockbuster movie Se7en about a serial murderer who contrives to kill his victims in accordance with the seven deadly sins (lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, pride, anger, and envy) or watch Oscar-winning thriller Silence of the Lambs. At any time, a serial killer can emerge amidst us. Let us be prepared to reform and regain them through our prayer and fasting for nothing is impossible for Jesus. “For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world, awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ” (Tit 2: 11-13). “There are six things which the Lord hates, seven which are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood” (Prov 6: 16-17).
Habitual Saving Squadron (HSS)
A large number of prisoners are called habituals. They are thieves, rapists, pedophiles who are addicted to these crimes and who continue to do the same and come back again and again to the prison. They are known as “Once in a prison, always in a prison” and are the toughest people to be reformed. Jesus on the cross reformed and redeemed a habitual prisoner, the good thief. “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk 23:43). Anchoring on Jesus’ last-minute saving action PMI launched Habituals’ Saving Squadron (HSS) to redeem them. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (1Cor 10: 13). “I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you, I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness” (Is 42: 7). “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness” (Gal 6:1). “Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Eph 6:18).
Hired-killers Liberating Squadron (HLS)
Sushil, Amit, Sunil, and Ramesh had allegedly received around Rs 4 crore - Rs 1 crore each - for the murder of a gangster and his two aides by his rival. It was a high-profile contract killing planned by the gangster’s rival. Hired or Contract killing is a form of murder in which one party hires another party, often called a hit-man to kill a targeted person or multiple people. It involves an illegal agreement between two or more parties in which one party agrees to kill the target in exchange for some form of payment, monetary or otherwise. The total number of US murders in 2010 was 12,996. If we assume 3.2 percent of these crimes were committed on a commercial basis, we get 416 contract hits. That sounds like a lot. A recent study on contract killings in Australia, states that over a three-year period, there were 69 contract killings and 94 attempted killings. PMI formed a squadron called Hired-killers Liberating Squadron (HLS) to liberate and redeem those entangled in contract killings.
Antidrug Trafficking Warriors (ATW)
Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. Drug trafficking which ravishes communities, endangers businesses, strains government institutions, and drags down the wider economy, has become a huge business, bringing in a fifth of all profits from organized crime. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s World Drug Report 2005 estimates the size of the global illicit drug market at US$321.6 billion in 2003 alone. Consumption of illegal drugs is widespread globally and it remains exceedingly difficult for local authorities to thwart its popularity. There is a good number of prisoners related to drug trafficking in major central prisons of metropolitan cities. Therefore, PMI formed Drug-traffickers Redeeming Wing (DRW) to liberate and redeem those involved in drug trafficking.
Prisoners’ Releasing Team (PRT)
PMI has a team to work for the release of prisoners. With the assistance from PMI advocates we release many prisoners by paying their security fine. Every year PMI spends lakhs of money for releasing prisoners under the leadership of Sr Adele Korah in Bangalore and Me Antony Jacob in Pune. In almost all central prisons we have PMI volunteers to take care of those prisoners who have no money and nobody to release them.
Prisoners’ Children Educators (PCE)
PMI has a crew to take care of the education of prisoners’ children. Besides the Kolbe Home where we give free accommodation and education to prisoners’ children, we help educational scholarships to more than 100 children of prisoners. We visit their homes and help them to provide their school or college fees.
Purgatory Souls Redeemers (PSR)
Purgatory, the condition, process, or place of purification or temporary punishment in which the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven. “A soul stained by sin cannot present itself to God”, Says Pope Benedict XVI. “They begged him that this sin might be completely blotted out. Then, Judas, that great man, urged the people to keep away from sin, because they had seen for themselves what had happened to those men who had sinned. He also took up a collection from all his men, totaling about four pounds of silver, and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. Judas did this noble thing because he believed in the resurrection of the dead. If he had not believed that the dead would be raised, it would have been foolish and useless to pray for them” (2 Macc 12:42-44). “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved – even though only as one escaping through the flames” (1 Cor 3:11-15).
The people in hell and in heaven do not need our payers, but the people in purgatory need. The writings of the Church Fathers teach us about the value of praying for the dead and doing good deeds for the souls in purgatory. PMI volunteers are chosen by God for a noble cause to be a love bomb, “Be a love bomb, let it be exploded, not to kill but to heal the broken hearted”. They are chosen to be a love bomb, after being chosen each one of us, Jesus looked up to heaven and gave thanks to God. Jesus is grateful for our humble service and for living His ever-living words where He says, “I was in prison, you visited me” (Mt 25:36). We surrender and offer up all our brokenness, the little sufferings that come on our way for the sanctification of all the souls in purgatory. The final act of Jesus was ‘He gave to them’. Jesus took bread, gave thanks, and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me” (Lk 22:19). Remember, that our call to PMI is a pure gift of God. The same God who called me called the other PMI volunteers to render our services in all the ways that we can. The call of PMI volunteers goes further in redeeming souls from purgatory.
Foreign Prisoners’ Expatriation (FPE)
There are more than 5000 foreign prisoners in Indian prisons and a good number of Indian citizens are languished in foreign prisons. PMI Foreign Prisoners’ Expatriation team works for the expatriation of foreign prisoners in Indian prisons and bring back home Indian citizens from the prisons of foreign countries.
Reformation Warfare
Transformation of death-row prisoners, terrorists, mafia tycoons, human traffickers, serial killers, habituals, contract killers, drug traffickers is neither an easy task nor an impossible mission. This is a spiritual warfare, a reformation warfare, a warfare between God and Satan, good and evil, virtue and sin. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Mt 19,26). To do this impossible mission we propose a 40 days program. First, select your preferred type of prisoner, that is, the prisoner in death-row or a mafia tycoon or a terrorist or terrorist group or human trafficking don, or a serial killer or a habitual.
40 Days Program
40 Holy Masses and Communion
40 Chapters of the Gospel: Luke and Mark
40 Creed
40 Rosaries
40 Divine Mercy Rosaries
40 Mortifications
4000 Glory be to the Father
4000 Thank you Jesus
We do what is possible from our part and then we ask the assistance of others especially those who lead profound spiritual life such as contemplatives, those who do perpetual adoration of the most Holy Eucharist, consecrated people, priests, seminarians, novices, aspirants, postulants, and intercessory prayer group members. The most important spiritual weapon for this mission is the Holy Mass – the offering of the Body and blood of Jesus for their transformation. Eucharistic contemplation, adoration and voluntary sacrifices will be greatly beneficial to this mission. In the course of time, we will seek the possibilities to personally visit and counsel them.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” ( Jn 3,16). Let us be part of this redeeming mission of Jesus by saving daily the lost sheep and thereby experiencing heavenly joy. “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance (Lk 16,7). PMI organizes special task forces and entrusts them to undertake the responsibilities of liberating and redeeming those who are involved in terrorism, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and other sorts of antihuman involvements and criminal activities. Let the words of St Paul to Timothy Strengthen us: “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. Therefore, I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory (2 Tim 2, 1-10).
PMI Special Task Forces
PMI Special Task Forces Commandoes
31 October 2020
The PMI Special Task Force organized a meeting for its members on Saturday 31st October 2020 live on Google Meet. The meeting began with the Holy Mass offered by Fr Michael Francis (Diocese of Aurangabad). The Holy Mass was offered for the intentions of the Special Task Forces. Many members attended the mass devoutly and prayed for the sanctification and redemption of the lost sheep. Mrs Rowena Luis (Archdiocese of Bombay) prayerfully led us in praise and worship and did the opening prayer invoking God’s blessing upon all the participants.
Rev Dr. Francis Kodiyan MCBS, the mastermind behind the establishment of Special Task Forces gave a brief introduction on the PMI Special Task Forces and explained its purpose, mission, spirituality and methodology. Duc in Altum, a phrase used by Jesus in Luke 5:4 where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “put out into deep water” was the biblical foundation for the PMI Special Task Forces. Fr Francis was inspired to launch this mission on 12th December 2019 while waiting at the Tihar Jail, Delhi for the Christmas program. PMI Special Task Forces was inaugurated on 22nd December, 2019 at Aradhanakunj, Bengaluru together Sr Adele Korah (SCCGS), Sr Rose Alexander (SCCGS), and Sr Lini Sheeja (MSC). As this is a spiritual warfare, we need to make use of spiritual weapons. Eucharistic Celebration, Eucharistic Adoration and Eucharistic Contemplation are the most important spiritual weapons for the sanctifi cation of the lost sheep.
Purgatory Souls Redeemers (PSR)
Sr Lini Sheeja (MSC) Bellary, the leader of PSR in her presentation gave us a gist of the inspiration behind launching PSR. Sr Lini was very much taken up by the new insight that Rev. Dr. Francis received that there is a largest prison beyond the earthly prison and that is Purgatory. She said that there are three places for us – the Heaven, where the souls of all those who loved God and their neighbor enter, the Hell, where the souls of all those who rejected God enter to suffer for eternity, and the Purgatory, where the souls are purified and redeemed. PSR’s are the passionate redeemers of souls who through the holy mass, prayer, fasting, mortification and 40 days program give themselves tirelessly for the purification of the souls in purgatory.
Death Row Commandoes (DRC)
Lt. Col. Jennifer James, Chennai leads the task of praying for the sanctification of death row prisoners. In her presentation she briefly introduced the meaning of death penalty, i.e. ‘A death sentence is a legal process where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment of a crime committed by him’. Further the data of those who were executed in recent past and those awaiting execution was presented. DRC are inspired by the call of Jesus “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mk. 2:17). The example of Jesus showing mercy and uplifting the dignity of sinners like the tax collectors and Zacchaeus and bringing them to repentance and transformation was projected. So, we as followers of Jesus are called to imitate him very closely and set prisoners free from their imprisonment by sin, ignorance, rebellion and foolish choices. It is a great mystery how God can use prisons as a place of refinement and transformation. As St. Therese of Lisieux prayed for the conversion of hard-hearted sinners so also the DRC prays and intercedes for the repentance and conversion of death row prisoners. Thus, through Holy Mass, Eucharistic contemplation, adoration and voluntary sacrifices this great task can be achieved by each DRC.
Prisoners’ Releasing Team (PRT)
Sr Adele Korah SCCGS, Bangalore has already been working on prisoners’ release since long time in PMI. In her presentation, sister strongly proclaims that we are the light of Christ and every prisoner is God’s loving child. As the head of PRT, sister believes that God’s merciful love can transform the lives of prisoners. With this attitude PRT rein kindles the hope in the prisoners. There are many innocent prisoners who are suffering for no fault of theirs. Those who are guilty, also suffer from inner bondage, stigma, loneliness, guilt, shame, frustration and fear. They are lonely because they are in isolation and have no one to listen to. It is to these that a loving and forgiving God is presented by the PRT. PRT are the bridges to unite prisoners and God by making the prisoners to accept oneself and the situation they are in. Help and support is provided to every prisoner who is ready to forgive others and also ask pardon from those whom they have harmed.
Terrorists Saving Squad (TSS)
Fr. Michael Francis, Aurangabad who represents the TSS began his presentation with the introduction, definition and history of terrorism. Data stated by Statista Research Department was shown where in 2018 alone there were 8000 terrorist attacks causing the loss of 33000 innocent lives. How to stop terrorism is a challenging question. Wisdom of Jesus was presented as the only way to stop terrorism, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Mt 5:44). The conversion of Saul to Paul is the best example the wonders Jesus can do. Pope Francis too in his interview to Los Angeles Times on 28th April, 2017 said, “There is no justification for violence.” Thus, PMI suggests Reformation Warfare Strategies, i.e. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Mt 19,26). To do this impossible mission 40 days program is proposed.
Most Rev Allwin D’Silva, PMI Chairman and the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Bombay congratulated the organizers and the participants for convening this meeting. In his message Bishop gave the example of St. Paul who said that he was in prison for the glory of God. Thus, we also should do everything for the greater glory of God. Bishop concluded his message with his blessings. Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan introduced a new book Warriors of Prison Ministry India illustrating the amazing deeds of the pioneers of PMI and the book was released by Most Rev Allwin D’Silva. Fr Dominic Savio from Gandhinagar Archdiocese proposed vote of thanks and beautifully summarized the whole program. The meeting concluded with a prayer for prisoners and angelus by Mr Ashok Kumar from Vijayawada.
The PMI Special Task Force organized a meeting for its members on Saturday 31st October 2020 live on Google Meet. The meeting began with the Holy Mass offered by Fr Michael Francis (Diocese of Aurangabad). The Holy Mass was offered for the intentions of the Special Task Forces. Many members attended the mass devoutly and prayed for the sanctification and redemption of the lost sheep. Mrs Rowena Luis (Archdiocese of Bombay) prayerfully led us in praise and worship and did the opening prayer invoking God’s blessing upon all the participants.
Rev Dr. Francis Kodiyan MCBS, the mastermind behind the establishment of Special Task Forces gave a brief introduction on the PMI Special Task Forces and explained its purpose, mission, spirituality and methodology. Duc in Altum, a phrase used by Jesus in Luke 5:4 where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “put out into deep water” was the biblical foundation for the PMI Special Task Forces. Fr Francis was inspired to launch this mission on 12th December 2019 while waiting at the Tihar Jail, Delhi for the Christmas program. PMI Special Task Forces was inaugurated on 22nd December, 2019 at Aradhanakunj, Bengaluru together Sr Adele Korah (SCCGS), Sr Rose Alexander (SCCGS), and Sr Lini Sheeja (MSC). As this is a spiritual warfare, we need to make use of spiritual weapons. Eucharistic Celebration, Eucharistic Adoration and Eucharistic Contemplation are the most important spiritual weapons for the sanctifi cation of the lost sheep.
Purgatory Souls Redeemers (PSR)
Sr Lini Sheeja (MSC) Bellary, the leader of PSR in her presentation gave us a gist of the inspiration behind launching PSR. Sr Lini was very much taken up by the new insight that Rev. Dr. Francis received that there is a largest prison beyond the earthly prison and that is Purgatory. She said that there are three places for us – the Heaven, where the souls of all those who loved God and their neighbor enter, the Hell, where the souls of all those who rejected God enter to suffer for eternity, and the Purgatory, where the souls are purified and redeemed. PSR’s are the passionate redeemers of souls who through the holy mass, prayer, fasting, mortification and 40 days program give themselves tirelessly for the purification of the souls in purgatory.
Death Row Commandoes (DRC)
Lt. Col. Jennifer James, Chennai leads the task of praying for the sanctification of death row prisoners. In her presentation she briefly introduced the meaning of death penalty, i.e. ‘A death sentence is a legal process where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment of a crime committed by him’. Further the data of those who were executed in recent past and those awaiting execution was presented. DRC are inspired by the call of Jesus “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mk. 2:17). The example of Jesus showing mercy and uplifting the dignity of sinners like the tax collectors and Zacchaeus and bringing them to repentance and transformation was projected. So, we as followers of Jesus are called to imitate him very closely and set prisoners free from their imprisonment by sin, ignorance, rebellion and foolish choices. It is a great mystery how God can use prisons as a place of refinement and transformation. As St. Therese of Lisieux prayed for the conversion of hard-hearted sinners so also the DRC prays and intercedes for the repentance and conversion of death row prisoners. Thus, through Holy Mass, Eucharistic contemplation, adoration and voluntary sacrifices this great task can be achieved by each DRC.
Prisoners’ Releasing Team (PRT)
Sr Adele Korah SCCGS, Bangalore has already been working on prisoners’ release since long time in PMI. In her presentation, sister strongly proclaims that we are the light of Christ and every prisoner is God’s loving child. As the head of PRT, sister believes that God’s merciful love can transform the lives of prisoners. With this attitude PRT rein kindles the hope in the prisoners. There are many innocent prisoners who are suffering for no fault of theirs. Those who are guilty, also suffer from inner bondage, stigma, loneliness, guilt, shame, frustration and fear. They are lonely because they are in isolation and have no one to listen to. It is to these that a loving and forgiving God is presented by the PRT. PRT are the bridges to unite prisoners and God by making the prisoners to accept oneself and the situation they are in. Help and support is provided to every prisoner who is ready to forgive others and also ask pardon from those whom they have harmed.
Terrorists Saving Squad (TSS)
Fr. Michael Francis, Aurangabad who represents the TSS began his presentation with the introduction, definition and history of terrorism. Data stated by Statista Research Department was shown where in 2018 alone there were 8000 terrorist attacks causing the loss of 33000 innocent lives. How to stop terrorism is a challenging question. Wisdom of Jesus was presented as the only way to stop terrorism, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Mt 5:44). The conversion of Saul to Paul is the best example the wonders Jesus can do. Pope Francis too in his interview to Los Angeles Times on 28th April, 2017 said, “There is no justification for violence.” Thus, PMI suggests Reformation Warfare Strategies, i.e. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Mt 19,26). To do this impossible mission 40 days program is proposed.
Most Rev Allwin D’Silva, PMI Chairman and the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Bombay congratulated the organizers and the participants for convening this meeting. In his message Bishop gave the example of St. Paul who said that he was in prison for the glory of God. Thus, we also should do everything for the greater glory of God. Bishop concluded his message with his blessings. Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan introduced a new book Warriors of Prison Ministry India illustrating the amazing deeds of the pioneers of PMI and the book was released by Most Rev Allwin D’Silva. Fr Dominic Savio from Gandhinagar Archdiocese proposed vote of thanks and beautifully summarized the whole program. The meeting concluded with a prayer for prisoners and angelus by Mr Ashok Kumar from Vijayawada.
28 November 2020
Special Task Forces meeting was conducted on Saturday, 28th Nov, 2020. The meeting began by the celebration of Holy Mass by Fr Dion Isaac from the Archdiocese of Hyderabad. Holy mass was offered for various intentions of Prison Ministry. The sisters and staff of St Mary’s Centenary Junior College, Secundrabad, had organized beautiful liturgy under the guidance of Fr Dion. Mrs Charmine Edwin in the opening prayer invoked God’s blessings upon the organizers and the participants to have a meaningful presentation and discussion to make good decisions. Fr Michael Francis welcomed the organizers and the participants with his graceful words.
Antihuman Trafficking Brigadiers
Mrs Rowena Luis and Mr Ashok Kumar in their presentation described human trafficking as the modern day slave trade where the solicitation, transportation and exploitation of human takes place by means of deception, coercion and violence. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem and one of the largest growing illegal trades in the world, more prominent in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. Millions of children, men and women are easy victims of human trafficking due to poverty, lack of economic opportunities, growth of global commercial sex industry and global demand for slave labor, child labor and child soldiers. As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report a total 3,47,524 people in India have been reported as “missing” in 2018, of which 2,23,621 are women.
Personalities like Mr. Kailash Satyarthi founder of Bachpan Bacho Andolan and Ms. Seema Dhaka a police constable from Delhi have their contribution in saving many children. In 2018, Anti Trafficking Bill was passed in the parliament to curb the evil of human trafficking. In the Bible there are incidences (Lev 25:39-42, Lev 25:43, Col 4:1, Eph 6:8-9) where God shows his care and concern for the slaves and speaks against their abusers. Even kidnapping and slavery is condemned in the Bible (Ex 21:16, Deut 24:7, Rom 13:8-10). There is an evil force behind this great evil, thus in this spiritual warfare against the evil forces the antihuman trafficking brigadiers need to empower themselves with full armor of God (Eph 6:10-18). Pope Francis declared St Josephine Bakhita has the patron saint of human trafficking victims. Thus, along with St Josephine and the prayer methodology of St Therese of Lisieux, the antihuman trafficking brigadiers are praying at the foot of the cross for the victims, traffickers and the rescuers. Apart from praying, there is also a great need to create awareness about human trafficking and working with likeminded organizations involved in rescue operations of the victims.
Innocent Prisoners Redeemers
Sr Lini Sheeja MSC, defined innocent prisoner as a person convicted and punished for a crime not committed. Few causes like misidentification by eye witnesses, false confession and admission of crime by persons and government misconduct leads to innocents persons being labeled as prisoners. USA has more wrongful convictions than any other country in the world, i.e. from 1989 to 2017, 2001 persons were convicted for the crime which they never committed and later on were released for lack of evidence. These innocent prisoners look for answers to their many questions that trouble them. It takes years for many to prove their innocence. Fr. Stan Swami is the latest example. Innocent Prisoners Redeemers follow condemned innocent God. Jesus himself suffered poverty, rejection, loneliness, abandonment and finally suffered death on the cross. He died so that the guilty might go free. Finally raised by the heavenly Father, Jesus redeemed the least and the lost. Jesus always trusted his heavenly Father and never doubted. He stood firm in faith always. Thus, Jesus is the hero of the innocent prisoners.
Like Jesus many innocent prisoners suffer along with their own family and dear ones. Some are even abandoned by their own family. Surrounded by miseries and rejection they feel lonely. Knowing the fact that they are innocent, some suffer silently and some contemplate on taking revenge to prove their innocence. The stigma of being accused leads to shame and guilt and many end up with no hope left. Thus, many think of ending their life journey by committing suicide. Innocent Prisoners Redeemers consoling message to all the innocent prisoners is that, ‘you are not alone…we are with you! Prayer is the best way to reach out to all the innocent prisoners because God alone knows their heart. With 40 new members enrolled to follow 40 days program, we believe and pray and God redeems.
Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan, the moderator of the meeting shared his wisdom with the participants. Throwing light on Antihuman Trafficking father said that the United Nations document Antihuman Trafficking Manual speaks of human trafficking and Indian government too has Antihuman Trafficking Cell, so we should also seek the possibilities to collaborate with this cell. Vatican too has an important dicastery - Integral Human Development, an office for antihuman trafficking and same dicastery is handling prisoners. In Feb, 2019 Pope Francis published a document on antihuman trafficking i.e. Pastoral Orientation on Human Trafficking and same was published by PMI in its journal Reformative Exploration, January 2020 issue. Adding to Innocent Prisoners Redeemers presentation father said that in America alone there are 1,20,000 innocent prisoners. The number is alarming and thus there is an urgent need to have more volunteers to pray and do concrete service. In honor of PMI Ruby Jubilee, father introduced 40 Special Task Forces and invited all to join. Sr Shony Varghese SAP thanked each and everyone in a special way and appreciated the effort taken by all. The meeting concluded with angelus by Sr Fulmani LDFX
Special Task Forces meeting was conducted on Saturday, 28th Nov, 2020. The meeting began by the celebration of Holy Mass by Fr Dion Isaac from the Archdiocese of Hyderabad. Holy mass was offered for various intentions of Prison Ministry. The sisters and staff of St Mary’s Centenary Junior College, Secundrabad, had organized beautiful liturgy under the guidance of Fr Dion. Mrs Charmine Edwin in the opening prayer invoked God’s blessings upon the organizers and the participants to have a meaningful presentation and discussion to make good decisions. Fr Michael Francis welcomed the organizers and the participants with his graceful words.
Antihuman Trafficking Brigadiers
Mrs Rowena Luis and Mr Ashok Kumar in their presentation described human trafficking as the modern day slave trade where the solicitation, transportation and exploitation of human takes place by means of deception, coercion and violence. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem and one of the largest growing illegal trades in the world, more prominent in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. Millions of children, men and women are easy victims of human trafficking due to poverty, lack of economic opportunities, growth of global commercial sex industry and global demand for slave labor, child labor and child soldiers. As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report a total 3,47,524 people in India have been reported as “missing” in 2018, of which 2,23,621 are women.
Personalities like Mr. Kailash Satyarthi founder of Bachpan Bacho Andolan and Ms. Seema Dhaka a police constable from Delhi have their contribution in saving many children. In 2018, Anti Trafficking Bill was passed in the parliament to curb the evil of human trafficking. In the Bible there are incidences (Lev 25:39-42, Lev 25:43, Col 4:1, Eph 6:8-9) where God shows his care and concern for the slaves and speaks against their abusers. Even kidnapping and slavery is condemned in the Bible (Ex 21:16, Deut 24:7, Rom 13:8-10). There is an evil force behind this great evil, thus in this spiritual warfare against the evil forces the antihuman trafficking brigadiers need to empower themselves with full armor of God (Eph 6:10-18). Pope Francis declared St Josephine Bakhita has the patron saint of human trafficking victims. Thus, along with St Josephine and the prayer methodology of St Therese of Lisieux, the antihuman trafficking brigadiers are praying at the foot of the cross for the victims, traffickers and the rescuers. Apart from praying, there is also a great need to create awareness about human trafficking and working with likeminded organizations involved in rescue operations of the victims.
Innocent Prisoners Redeemers
Sr Lini Sheeja MSC, defined innocent prisoner as a person convicted and punished for a crime not committed. Few causes like misidentification by eye witnesses, false confession and admission of crime by persons and government misconduct leads to innocents persons being labeled as prisoners. USA has more wrongful convictions than any other country in the world, i.e. from 1989 to 2017, 2001 persons were convicted for the crime which they never committed and later on were released for lack of evidence. These innocent prisoners look for answers to their many questions that trouble them. It takes years for many to prove their innocence. Fr. Stan Swami is the latest example. Innocent Prisoners Redeemers follow condemned innocent God. Jesus himself suffered poverty, rejection, loneliness, abandonment and finally suffered death on the cross. He died so that the guilty might go free. Finally raised by the heavenly Father, Jesus redeemed the least and the lost. Jesus always trusted his heavenly Father and never doubted. He stood firm in faith always. Thus, Jesus is the hero of the innocent prisoners.
Like Jesus many innocent prisoners suffer along with their own family and dear ones. Some are even abandoned by their own family. Surrounded by miseries and rejection they feel lonely. Knowing the fact that they are innocent, some suffer silently and some contemplate on taking revenge to prove their innocence. The stigma of being accused leads to shame and guilt and many end up with no hope left. Thus, many think of ending their life journey by committing suicide. Innocent Prisoners Redeemers consoling message to all the innocent prisoners is that, ‘you are not alone…we are with you! Prayer is the best way to reach out to all the innocent prisoners because God alone knows their heart. With 40 new members enrolled to follow 40 days program, we believe and pray and God redeems.
Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan, the moderator of the meeting shared his wisdom with the participants. Throwing light on Antihuman Trafficking father said that the United Nations document Antihuman Trafficking Manual speaks of human trafficking and Indian government too has Antihuman Trafficking Cell, so we should also seek the possibilities to collaborate with this cell. Vatican too has an important dicastery - Integral Human Development, an office for antihuman trafficking and same dicastery is handling prisoners. In Feb, 2019 Pope Francis published a document on antihuman trafficking i.e. Pastoral Orientation on Human Trafficking and same was published by PMI in its journal Reformative Exploration, January 2020 issue. Adding to Innocent Prisoners Redeemers presentation father said that in America alone there are 1,20,000 innocent prisoners. The number is alarming and thus there is an urgent need to have more volunteers to pray and do concrete service. In honor of PMI Ruby Jubilee, father introduced 40 Special Task Forces and invited all to join. Sr Shony Varghese SAP thanked each and everyone in a special way and appreciated the effort taken by all. The meeting concluded with angelus by Sr Fulmani LDFX
PMI Innocent Prisoners Redeemers
Innocent Prisoners Redeemers Inaugural Program
Sr Heather Aranha FC
Innocent Prisoners Redeemers inaugural program was conducted on 22 November 2020 and 40 prayer warriors took part in it. The meeting began at 4pm and Sr Lini Sheeja MSC, the coordinator of IPR began with a hymn to the Holy Spirit and Mrs Fatima, Bangalore read the Scripture passage on “Arrest of Jesus” (Lk 22:47-53) followed by the opening prayer by Sr Heather Aranha FC, Mumbai who made an opening prayer based on the Gospel and invoked God’s presence and blessings on this inaugural session.
Sr Lini Sheeja MSC thanked all 40 prayer warriors of IPR for being part of this group to dedicate their time and prayer in participating in 40 days Spiritual Warfare. She did thank Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS the Love Bomb of Prison Ministry India for all guidance and prayerful support for it. Rev Fr Francis Kodiyan, PMI cofounder and national coordinator threw the light on the participants about the birth and mission of PMI. Together with him we walked down memory lane, as we journeyed together with him to the beginnings and foundation of Prison Ministry India.
Sr Lini MSC in her presentation said that we follow the condemned innocent God who was convicted for a crime He did not commit and was crucified. Jesus is the hero of the Innocent Prisoners. The Innocent Prisoners are mentally and emotionally tortured. They are behind bars for a crime they have not committed, but labeled as criminals. It takes years to prove one’s innocence. In the meantime they face loneliness and rejection from family members and society. The powerful message that we can give the Innocent Prisoners is, ‘You are not alone, we are with you’ and support them with our prayer. So, from tomorrow for 40 days we join hands in prayer and pray for them, before the Blessed Sacrament and with Mother Mary.
The participants then introduced themselves. It gave us great joy to know that we are not alone, but we are a group of 40 prayer warriors who join hands for a cause, a noble cause of praying for the innocents who are condemned same like our innocent God who was convicted, tortured and crucified. We were thrilled to know our 40 days program and special prayer for the innocent prisoners was formulated by Sr Lini Sheeja to be prayed for 40 days. We do pray Psalm 17 everyday, a prayer of an innocent person to feel one with our innocent brethren behind the bars. Mrs Rosali Thomas, Mumbai then thanked Fr Francis Kodiyan, Sr Lini and the participants. The participants too spontaneously thanked Sr Lini for the great effort put in to coordinate this group and meeting. We left the meeting feeling enriched and committed to this task entrusted to us.
Sr Heather Aranha FC
Innocent Prisoners Redeemers inaugural program was conducted on 22 November 2020 and 40 prayer warriors took part in it. The meeting began at 4pm and Sr Lini Sheeja MSC, the coordinator of IPR began with a hymn to the Holy Spirit and Mrs Fatima, Bangalore read the Scripture passage on “Arrest of Jesus” (Lk 22:47-53) followed by the opening prayer by Sr Heather Aranha FC, Mumbai who made an opening prayer based on the Gospel and invoked God’s presence and blessings on this inaugural session.
Sr Lini Sheeja MSC thanked all 40 prayer warriors of IPR for being part of this group to dedicate their time and prayer in participating in 40 days Spiritual Warfare. She did thank Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS the Love Bomb of Prison Ministry India for all guidance and prayerful support for it. Rev Fr Francis Kodiyan, PMI cofounder and national coordinator threw the light on the participants about the birth and mission of PMI. Together with him we walked down memory lane, as we journeyed together with him to the beginnings and foundation of Prison Ministry India.
Sr Lini MSC in her presentation said that we follow the condemned innocent God who was convicted for a crime He did not commit and was crucified. Jesus is the hero of the Innocent Prisoners. The Innocent Prisoners are mentally and emotionally tortured. They are behind bars for a crime they have not committed, but labeled as criminals. It takes years to prove one’s innocence. In the meantime they face loneliness and rejection from family members and society. The powerful message that we can give the Innocent Prisoners is, ‘You are not alone, we are with you’ and support them with our prayer. So, from tomorrow for 40 days we join hands in prayer and pray for them, before the Blessed Sacrament and with Mother Mary.
The participants then introduced themselves. It gave us great joy to know that we are not alone, but we are a group of 40 prayer warriors who join hands for a cause, a noble cause of praying for the innocents who are condemned same like our innocent God who was convicted, tortured and crucified. We were thrilled to know our 40 days program and special prayer for the innocent prisoners was formulated by Sr Lini Sheeja to be prayed for 40 days. We do pray Psalm 17 everyday, a prayer of an innocent person to feel one with our innocent brethren behind the bars. Mrs Rosali Thomas, Mumbai then thanked Fr Francis Kodiyan, Sr Lini and the participants. The participants too spontaneously thanked Sr Lini for the great effort put in to coordinate this group and meeting. We left the meeting feeling enriched and committed to this task entrusted to us.
29 December 2020
As we bid goodbye to 2020 and with 2021 at the threshold the Special Task Forces once again met on Wednesday, 30th Dec, 2020. The meeting began with the Eucharistic celebration by Fr. Michael Francis from the diocese of Aurangabad. The Holy Mass was offered to thank the Lord for his choicest blessings showered upon PMI throughout the year and prayers were offered for a fruitful year ahead. Lt. Col. Jennifer James invoked God’s blessings upon the meeting and the success of PMI endeavors. All the organizing members and the participants were cheerfully welcomed by Fr Michael Francis.
Hired-Killers Liberating Squadron
A great personality Rev. Fr. Alexander Kureekattil CMF is doing a wonderful service of liberating and changing hard core hired killers life by making them human again. In his presentation he explained that there is a section of people in the society who earn money by taking quotations to kill innocent people and they are popularly known as hired-killers or contract-killers. Most of these hired-killers come from broken and disturbed families. Many of them have seen their family members suffer unjustly or face severe poverty. They become easy targets in the hands of the mafia lords who push them to commit such dirty business of killing. Many of them are hand in gloves with high profile personalities of the society. As part of training, they experiment and master their killing skills on innocent animals like dog. Dealing with such persons involves great risk. Rev. Fr. Alexander Kureekattil CMF has been risking his life by going after hired-killers to save them and change their lives. He has changed many lives. Before leaving his residence Father writes a letter about his days plan and the person he is going to meet and leaves at his table for his community members. God has been so good and protective towards Fr. Alexander that he is still with his community and at peace. PMI salutes him for being such a great Special Task Force Worrier and a great inspiration to all the PMI family.
Juvenile Delinquents Squadron
Rev Sr Lini Sheeja MSC leads a couple of task forces as the Commander in Chief, of which Juvenile Delinquents Squadron is another feather in her hat. Sr Lini in her presentation defines and explains the great service carried about by her team. She explains that Juvenile Delinquents is a minor, between the age group of 10 and 18 who has committed some act that violates the law. It refers to the anti-social or criminal activities of the child below 18 years which violates the law. The General Assembly on 29th Nov, 1985 adopted the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of the Juvenile Justice and for the first time the word Juvenile was coined. This change in terminology was than reflected in the Domestic Law with the passing of the J J Act 1986 and came to be known as the Juvenile Justice Care and Protection Act 2000. The act was further amended in 2015 and is now called as Juvenile Justice Care and Protection of Children Act 2015. In this act there are two categories of children i.e. children in need of care and protection and secondly children in conflict with the law. Petty offences, serious offences and heinous offences are the offences covered under JJCPC Act 2015. Different government departments and PMI play a vital role in the implementation of the JJCPC Act 2015. There are many factors and situations like poverty, childhood bad experience, substance abuse, peer pressure etc, which cause juvenile delinquencies.
Children are a beautiful gift of God. Family and the community have the primary goal of shaping the personality of the children. Observation home for children below 18 years play a key role in changing their attitudes and forming their personality. There are 815 juvenile homes in India as per the 7th Nov, 2016 report. Most of the juvenile homes are overcrowded. What is alarming is that there is an increase in the crime committed by the juvenile as per the National Crime Report Bureau. PMI renders individual counseling, different skill classes, behavior management programs etc. Many children come out with renewed life. God does wonders through our prayers and support. PMI aims at starting more Kolbe Homes to facilitate such children. ‘Juvenile – a journey’ an article in the October 2020 issue of Prison Voice highlights the dignity of children as a gift from God. Sr Lini and her team leave no stone unturned to serve juvenile and bring them love of God.
Insight from the Moderator
Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS shared his juvenile home experience which he had during his doctrinal study in Rome. Father was inspired by a movement called ‘Covenant House’ run by Franciscan Convention Fathers in New York. They collected all the runaway boys from interior parts of America. There are different sections of the covenant house; the first is ‘Take In’ i.e. boys from the streets will be taken in. Likewise there are different departments in Covenant House and Kolbe Home is an inspiration from this house. So PMI is looking forward to start more Kolbe Home all over India.
Mr Walter Kamble (Nasik Diocese) summarized the whole meeting in few words and beautifully thanked each and everyone with his graceful words. The meeting concluded with prayer for prisoners and angelus by Rev Sr Marcelline CCV. Finally Christmas song was played and every one wished each other A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New year – 2021.
As we bid goodbye to 2020 and with 2021 at the threshold the Special Task Forces once again met on Wednesday, 30th Dec, 2020. The meeting began with the Eucharistic celebration by Fr. Michael Francis from the diocese of Aurangabad. The Holy Mass was offered to thank the Lord for his choicest blessings showered upon PMI throughout the year and prayers were offered for a fruitful year ahead. Lt. Col. Jennifer James invoked God’s blessings upon the meeting and the success of PMI endeavors. All the organizing members and the participants were cheerfully welcomed by Fr Michael Francis.
Hired-Killers Liberating Squadron
A great personality Rev. Fr. Alexander Kureekattil CMF is doing a wonderful service of liberating and changing hard core hired killers life by making them human again. In his presentation he explained that there is a section of people in the society who earn money by taking quotations to kill innocent people and they are popularly known as hired-killers or contract-killers. Most of these hired-killers come from broken and disturbed families. Many of them have seen their family members suffer unjustly or face severe poverty. They become easy targets in the hands of the mafia lords who push them to commit such dirty business of killing. Many of them are hand in gloves with high profile personalities of the society. As part of training, they experiment and master their killing skills on innocent animals like dog. Dealing with such persons involves great risk. Rev. Fr. Alexander Kureekattil CMF has been risking his life by going after hired-killers to save them and change their lives. He has changed many lives. Before leaving his residence Father writes a letter about his days plan and the person he is going to meet and leaves at his table for his community members. God has been so good and protective towards Fr. Alexander that he is still with his community and at peace. PMI salutes him for being such a great Special Task Force Worrier and a great inspiration to all the PMI family.
Juvenile Delinquents Squadron
Rev Sr Lini Sheeja MSC leads a couple of task forces as the Commander in Chief, of which Juvenile Delinquents Squadron is another feather in her hat. Sr Lini in her presentation defines and explains the great service carried about by her team. She explains that Juvenile Delinquents is a minor, between the age group of 10 and 18 who has committed some act that violates the law. It refers to the anti-social or criminal activities of the child below 18 years which violates the law. The General Assembly on 29th Nov, 1985 adopted the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of the Juvenile Justice and for the first time the word Juvenile was coined. This change in terminology was than reflected in the Domestic Law with the passing of the J J Act 1986 and came to be known as the Juvenile Justice Care and Protection Act 2000. The act was further amended in 2015 and is now called as Juvenile Justice Care and Protection of Children Act 2015. In this act there are two categories of children i.e. children in need of care and protection and secondly children in conflict with the law. Petty offences, serious offences and heinous offences are the offences covered under JJCPC Act 2015. Different government departments and PMI play a vital role in the implementation of the JJCPC Act 2015. There are many factors and situations like poverty, childhood bad experience, substance abuse, peer pressure etc, which cause juvenile delinquencies.
Children are a beautiful gift of God. Family and the community have the primary goal of shaping the personality of the children. Observation home for children below 18 years play a key role in changing their attitudes and forming their personality. There are 815 juvenile homes in India as per the 7th Nov, 2016 report. Most of the juvenile homes are overcrowded. What is alarming is that there is an increase in the crime committed by the juvenile as per the National Crime Report Bureau. PMI renders individual counseling, different skill classes, behavior management programs etc. Many children come out with renewed life. God does wonders through our prayers and support. PMI aims at starting more Kolbe Homes to facilitate such children. ‘Juvenile – a journey’ an article in the October 2020 issue of Prison Voice highlights the dignity of children as a gift from God. Sr Lini and her team leave no stone unturned to serve juvenile and bring them love of God.
Insight from the Moderator
Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS shared his juvenile home experience which he had during his doctrinal study in Rome. Father was inspired by a movement called ‘Covenant House’ run by Franciscan Convention Fathers in New York. They collected all the runaway boys from interior parts of America. There are different sections of the covenant house; the first is ‘Take In’ i.e. boys from the streets will be taken in. Likewise there are different departments in Covenant House and Kolbe Home is an inspiration from this house. So PMI is looking forward to start more Kolbe Home all over India.
Mr Walter Kamble (Nasik Diocese) summarized the whole meeting in few words and beautifully thanked each and everyone with his graceful words. The meeting concluded with prayer for prisoners and angelus by Rev Sr Marcelline CCV. Finally Christmas song was played and every one wished each other A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New year – 2021.
PMI Prisoners' Children Educators
Prisoners’ Children Educators (PCE)
Asha Sebastian
The first online meet of Prisoners’ Children Educators, which is one of the PMI Special task Forces under Prison Ministry India (PMI) was held on 09 January 2021 through Google Meet. Sr Amala DC, PMI national secretary helped us in invoking the blessings of God. Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI National Coordinator welcomed the members of PCE and thanked each one individually for their willingness and generosity to be part of this group for a noble cause. He also mentioned that if we do not take care of these children, you will see them behind the bars tomorrow. The members introduced themselves as they are from different states joining hands from today for the sake of vulnerable children. Sr Lini Sheeja MSC, former PMI national secretary gave an introductory presentation on PMI and she took them through four basic principles, which Prison Ministry India holds closer to it’s mission. As she ended her presentation with the 4th principle; ‘begging our lifestyle’ she said, we beg to make them kings and queen. Let us care and carry the burdens of our brethren behind the bars and their children. If you and I don’t care who else will do? They are our brothers, sisters and children. The members elected Mr Sanjay Antony as the President and Ms Asha Sebastian as the Secretary for PCE task force.
An open discussion on the activities of task force was followed. Each member gave their suggestions for PCE. Fr Francis invited the members to bring in more volunteers to reach the goal as this Special Task Force is launched in commemoration of PMI Ruby Jubilee to educate 400 children of prisoners. The current strength of the task force is just 40; more members would be beneficial to reach more children. The members can schedule a weekly/monthly visits to children’s homes. We may segregate the kids by age and help them in a structured manner. It was also suggested to organize various talks, cultural activities, music classes, sports activities etc. for the well-being of children in our centers. It was suggested to add caretakers of children’ home to the group so that we may get a better picture about the needs of the kids.
Sr Lini MSC in her concluding remarks said, that each member can adopt a child and take care of their financial, educational, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. They can call the child once a month and speak to them; all those who are nearby can make a visit and spend quality time with the child which will make the child to feel that one is wanted and cared. Members were happy with it and we will proceed with the same by assigning each child a caretaker. Also, we can meet frequently and evaluate the activities hereafter. Fr Rajendra Kumar, PMI interim secretary concluded the meeting with a prayer at 5 PM.
Asha Sebastian
The first online meet of Prisoners’ Children Educators, which is one of the PMI Special task Forces under Prison Ministry India (PMI) was held on 09 January 2021 through Google Meet. Sr Amala DC, PMI national secretary helped us in invoking the blessings of God. Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI National Coordinator welcomed the members of PCE and thanked each one individually for their willingness and generosity to be part of this group for a noble cause. He also mentioned that if we do not take care of these children, you will see them behind the bars tomorrow. The members introduced themselves as they are from different states joining hands from today for the sake of vulnerable children. Sr Lini Sheeja MSC, former PMI national secretary gave an introductory presentation on PMI and she took them through four basic principles, which Prison Ministry India holds closer to it’s mission. As she ended her presentation with the 4th principle; ‘begging our lifestyle’ she said, we beg to make them kings and queen. Let us care and carry the burdens of our brethren behind the bars and their children. If you and I don’t care who else will do? They are our brothers, sisters and children. The members elected Mr Sanjay Antony as the President and Ms Asha Sebastian as the Secretary for PCE task force.
An open discussion on the activities of task force was followed. Each member gave their suggestions for PCE. Fr Francis invited the members to bring in more volunteers to reach the goal as this Special Task Force is launched in commemoration of PMI Ruby Jubilee to educate 400 children of prisoners. The current strength of the task force is just 40; more members would be beneficial to reach more children. The members can schedule a weekly/monthly visits to children’s homes. We may segregate the kids by age and help them in a structured manner. It was also suggested to organize various talks, cultural activities, music classes, sports activities etc. for the well-being of children in our centers. It was suggested to add caretakers of children’ home to the group so that we may get a better picture about the needs of the kids.
Sr Lini MSC in her concluding remarks said, that each member can adopt a child and take care of their financial, educational, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. They can call the child once a month and speak to them; all those who are nearby can make a visit and spend quality time with the child which will make the child to feel that one is wanted and cared. Members were happy with it and we will proceed with the same by assigning each child a caretaker. Also, we can meet frequently and evaluate the activities hereafter. Fr Rajendra Kumar, PMI interim secretary concluded the meeting with a prayer at 5 PM.