The Indian prison today is a human warehouse. It is always overcrowded. A small hall accommodates about 40 to 60 prisoners with one toilet without a door. The overcrowding number of under trial prisoners gives staff less time to screen the prisoners to see the signs of self harm, risk of suicide, mental health problems and potential violent prisoners.
It increases the availability of drugs and other contraband as the prison staff does not have time to observe and attend the prisoners. It creates long queues before toilets, showers, phone booths and so on. Family contacts and visits are much restricted. No scientific classifications of criminals are possible. First time offenders, circumstantial offenders and your offenders are kept with hard core criminals. There are group violence and personal attacks on other prisoners. First time offenders are tortured and make to do all the menial works. Many criminal activities are going on in prisons and among prisoners – murder of fellow – prisoners and suicide; the prisoners are depressed and cannot sleep at night because of mental and physical tension about their existence in prison and about their future. |
Your volunteering in prisons and other confinements will be instrumental in bringing a change in people in prisons and the society. “No body needs love more than those who don’t deserve it. If we wait for them to become lovable before we love them, we will wait around the rest of our lives. It is precisely in being loved that they become lovable”. (Louis Evely)
You can volunteer in two ways
Inside the prisons and other confinements |
Outside the prisons to make a change in the society |